[Faith-talk] Good Night Message for Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Paul oilofgladness47 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 14 04:41:05 UTC 2013

Well folks, Hump Day here in the Americas, also known as Wednesday, is winding down, whereas you in other parts of our world are already in your Thursday mornings or afternoons.  At any rate, I hope that your day or evening are going well or went well.

Barbara Hawkinson, wife of the editor of the Tract Messenger Magazine, the Rev. Dennis Hawkinson, contributed today's short article simply entitled "Lent," rendered as follows:

The season of Lent in the Church Year begins on February 13th of this year.  It is a forty day time of meditation upon the deep and profound meaning of the death of Jesus upon the cross for the purpose of taking our sins away.

During this time of repentance, confess your sins to God, knowing that He truly loves you and will forgive you for the sake of His Son Jesus.  May your daily prayer be that of remorse for your part in the death of the Christ and also of thankfulness for this great gift God has given you.

Let us pray:  Lord Jesus, we now find ourselves on our annual journey leading to Your cross in which we meditate on Your innocent sufferings and death.  May we not grow weary in our devotion to You as we remember Your holy Passion.  Inspire us to follow the events of Your mission to bring salvation to all mankind, mindful that we will soon celebrate your majestic Day of Resurrection.  Amen.

And there you have Barbara's article, short as it was.  I hope that it gave you a renewed focus on Lent and that it is far more than just giving up things.

And now may the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob just keep us safe, individually and collectively, throughout this night or day and especially in these last days in which we live.  Your Christian friend and brother, Paul

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