[Faith-talk] Good Night Message for Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Paul oilofgladness47 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 04:18:09 UTC 2013

Hello and good Tuesday evening to my fellow saints of the Most High God residing in North America, and good Wednesday morning or afternoon to those of you residing in other parts of the world.  I hope and pray that your day is going well or went well.

Before I give you the article chosen for today, two items.  First of all (and some of you know this already), my heat is back to normal.  When the tech guy from the electric company came, he couldn't find anything wrong but, after Michelle and I described what happened, we all three went downstairs to our back basement room where the furnace is located, and he said that Michelle would have to look for one green and three red lights.  If we lose heat and those lights are winking, then it's time to call the company.  Otherwise we are to do the usual thing, that is, to turn up the thermostat to its highest setting at 90 degrees Fahrenheit, wait till the heat comes on fairly strongly, and then turn the thermostat back to the 70 degree mark, and that should do it.  Thanks to God for giving him such practical advice, and thank you for all of your prayers.

The other thing is that the March for Life was not held today due to the fact that there simply weren't any available hotel rooms in and around Washington DC because of the re-inauguration of President Obama and activities appended thereto.  This event is rescheduled for Friday.  As to my participation in the event, we'll just have to wait and find out if any of the churches which usually send delegates could include me in with them.

And now for the article in question.  You'll notice that it is somewhat dated, and mentions men exclusively.  However, it is my humble opinion that women could play just as much of a role as men do.  Also, you'll notice the term "iron curtain" meaning countries in eastern Europe, as wel as communism which basically is now out of favor.  Anyway the article was written by the late Dr. Ralph Montanus, and is entitled "God Needs A Man (Isaiah 6:8," rendered as follows:

"I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me."

God uses men.  He always has, and He will always use men.

Today, there is a movement for collectivism and mass movings until the worth of the individual is lost.  The one billion persons behind the iron curtain have lost their individualism where communism rules.  The individual is lost completely in order for the state to survive.


In spite of the devil's plan for collectivism, God is looking for consecrated individuals whom He can use to bring a last day message before the door of grace is closed forever.

There is no one just like you.  Did you ever think that there is not, has never been, nor ever will be anyone just like you? Not one person who reads these lines has a duplicate anywhere in the world.  When God made you, He threw away the mold.  You are so unique, so different, that out of the billions of persons alive on earth today, no one has your fingerprints, voice, facial features, nor personality.


Life is short.  We have only one life, and it soon will be past and only what is done for Jesus will last.  What are you doing with your life? God is looking at you as a potential worker for Him.

Years ago, D.L. Moody, an ignorant shoe salesman in the city of Chicago, gave his heart to the Lord Jesus Christ.  Shortly after his conversion, he heard a sermon which challenged him.  In the sermon, the minister said, "The world has yet to see what God will do with one man who is fully yielded to Him." As D.L. Moody walked home that evening, all he could hear ringing in his ears was, "The world has yet to see what God will do with one man who is fully yielded to Him."

As D.L. Moody went to bed, he could not sleep.  He arose and walked the floor, still hearing the words of the preacher, "The world has yet to see what God will do with one man who is completely yielded to Him."  D.L. Moody could stand it no more.  He got down on his knees and prayed.  "Oh, God, by Thy grace, D.L. Moody will be that man."

The years that followed resulted in tremendous success for Christ.  This ignorant shoe salesman from Chicago was used by God to shake three continents for Christ.  The numerous services conducted by him resulted in the conversion of tens of thousands to the Lord.


Will you be that man whom God can use? How desperately this old world needs Spirit-filled witnesses to make Christ known.  Oh, professed believer, are you putting forth an effort to reach men for Christ? Do you pass out Gospel tracts? Do you give your substance for the propagation of the Gospel? Do you spend your time and your talents for the Lord Jesus Christ?

If there ever was an hour when God's people need to stop playing church and get down to real consecration and dedication of their lives to Christ, this is that hour.  God is looking for a man? Will you be that man for whom God is looking? Will you, right now, kneel before the Lord and look up into the lovely face of the Lord Jesus by faith and say, "Lord, by Thy grace, I fully yield myself to Thee, and I permit You to use my life completely for Thy glory, in Jesus' name, Amen."  Oh, the joy of full surrender! Oh, the peace of letting God have complete government over our lives.  If you have never done so before, drop to your knees and say, "All for Jesus," and mean it from the depths of your being.

And there you have Dr. Montanus' article for today.

Before I close, I'd like to give you a little historical "chain reaction." During one of his services a man by the name of Billy Sunday (1860-1935) was converted, and eventually Billy preached a sermon and another man by the name of Mordecai Ham was converted.  In turn, Mordecai preached a sermon and a young man from North Carolina was convicted and led to the Lord.  And who do you think was  that young man? None other than Billy Graham.  And now, as the late Paul Harvey said so many times, "And now you know the rest of the story."

And now may the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob just keep us safe, individually and collectively, throughout this night or day and especially in these last days in which we live.  Your friend and brother in Christ, Paul

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