[Faith-talk] Evening Thought for Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Paul oilofgladness47 at gmail.com
Thu May 16 01:37:57 UTC 2013

Sorry folks to be late, but my day was somewhat of an upside down one, but hopefully I'm now back on an even keel.  Even I can't explain it.  However, I hope that your day is going well or went well.

The article I have for you today is again from the pen of the late Dr. Ralph Montanus and is entitled "Sacrifice for Christ," rendered as follows:

"If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me" (Matthew 16:24).

One of the evidences of real love for Jesus Christ will be manifested by willingness to sacrifice for Jesus Christ.  Missionaries return from various parts of the world, telling of the tremendous response to the Gospel of Christ.  They tell how eager the people are to receive Jesus Christ when the Word is presented to them.  Though the harvest is ripe, and the availability of young men and women to gather it is ample, yet, due to financial inability, the Gospel message is hindered.

I was so surprised to learn that Americans spend more money every year on chewing gum, tobacco and liquor than all the money given to all Bible-believing churches of all denominations.  In the meantime, Communists are willing to sacrifice in order to spread their godless atheistic propaganda throughout much of the world where people are illiterate and in need of help.  If the Communist gets there before the missionary does, Satan takes over.  Much of our trouble in the Near East and Far East, in Africa and South America, might never have been if Christians in America would have given to the cause of missions as they should have.

What an indictment may be ours when we stand before the judgment seat of Christ.  Many of us are more interested in cars, houses, land, push-button gadgets and a hundred and one other things rather than love for the souls of men.  Some profess to love Jesus Christ, yet deny Him and His cause by their lack of sacrifice for Him.

We may live to see the day when our nation is defeated by heathens who might have been won for Christ if Christians only had sacrificed for the Gospel's sake.  If Christians would have given to the work of God, as they ought to have done, evangelization would have taken place long before now.  On the contrary, instead of world evangelization, we have mission boards pleading for support.  Gospel broadcasters are practically begging on the radio and TV in order to continue bringing the Gospel to the masses.

Why such appalling need? Because Christians have neglected to manifest their love to Christ and His cause by sacrificial giving.  Some professed believers feel that, if they give one dollar toward missionary work, it is sufficient.  At the same time, persons will spend hundreds of dollars on expensive luxuries which they could well do without.  Our attitude toward getting the Gospel to those outside of Jesus Christ, through sacrificial giving, will be an indication of our love for the Master.

Have you ever wondered why Jesus Christ looked over the treasury as men cast their gifts into it? I believe one of the reasons was because He knew that giving of our substance is giving of our life.  Just suppose that Brother X works five days per week at one hundred dollars a day.  This means that he earns five hundred dollars per week.  Out of this income, he gives one tenth, or fifty dollars, as his tithe to the work of the Lord.  This means that he has given one half day of employment to the cause of Christ.  Four hours of labor, toil and sweat given in order to support the work of God.  Yes, Jesus knew and still does that to give is to give of one's time, talents, energy, yea one's very life.

How much of your talent is given in sacrifice for the cause of Christ? Jesus said, "If ye love Me, keep My commandments." One of His commandments was, "If any man come after Me, let him deny himself."

Christian, are you sacrificing for Jesus who gave His life as a sacrifice for your salvation?

You know, it wouldn't surprise me to learn that what you just read was originally heard on one of the broadcasts of The Gospel Association for the Blind called "That They Might see." I well remember hearing Dr. Montanus on the radio here in Baltimore every Saturday evening at 7:30 p.m., and, during his lifetime, the Lord used him as a powerful speaker to spread His Word.  Maybe some of you are old enough to remember that program.

And now until tomorrow when, Lord willing another daily thought message will be presented, may the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob just keep us safe, individuaally and collectively, throughout this night or day and especially in these last days in which we live.  Your Christian friend and brother, Paul

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