[Faith-talk] Who is God? A theological essay.

Mostafa mostafa.almahdy at gmail.com
Fri Nov 15 15:40:21 UTC 2013

Who is God?

Who is God?, A theological analysis.

This analytic piece of composition aims to essentially attain the following:

1; To establish the meaning, which is necessary to learn, to identify the genuine concept of monotheism.

2; To clearly demonstrate the major essence of the monotheistic faith, so anything else that differs from the stated description of monotheism, will explicitly  considered to be utterly polytheism.

3; To clearly demonstrate, that any flattery is unexpected, to worship others than God, or in association with Him is intensely intolerable, and that the oneness of God Almighty has to sincerely be outloud.   

I am inviting you to worship God alone, without any associates.

Now, God willing, I chronologically arranged ten major factors in the section below, which conveniently illustrates who God is, and what does monotheism mean.

1';God is the Creator.

  Jews, Christians and Muslims agree with that proposition, which says; God created everything.

He perfectly created everything, and He never felt exhausted, He never needed to rest, as some scriptures incorrectly portrayed.

He perfectly has made everything, that flys, walks or crawls.

>From nothing, He just made everything.

For God to create His all creation, He just says unto it; Be, and it is.

This is by which He created Adam, Eve, all their grandchildren, Jesus (peace be upon him), and everything else.

He is all willing, all aware, glory be to Him.

2; God is all Transcendent.

  His knowledge, wisdom, the singularity of His capability, they all are exceedingly surpassing the human insignificant adequacy and apprehension.

 We believe in God as the most Eminent, the most Glorious, and indeed, the all Sovereign.

3; God is all Omnipotent.

He glory be to Him has an illimitable mightiness, by which He basicly, is able to do anything, and that emphatically includes, to decease or resurrect any of His creation, to either approve or decline our faith, to either approve or decline our deeds. God is able to  bestow His grace and to atone the human cynicism unconditionally. He enormously is all Forgiving, glory be to Him.  

4; God is all Eternal.

We certainly believe, that God never came to existence. He always exists, in a manner that is appropriate to His glorious entity. He is the alpha and omega, from eternity, for eternity.

5; God is one.

We believe, that God is one, in a singular unique sense.

His oneness is predominantly unparalleled.

He is not a triune being.

He is just one, that is unmatchable. He doesn’t share His ultimate Glory with any of His creation.

He doesn’t bear a son.

There isn’t any attested belief which assumes, that part of the godhead somehow lives in us, which they call the Holy spirit, who in Islam is defined as Angel Gabriel, the Angel of revelation. He is the conduit of God Almighty, devoted to convey the revelation to His prophets, and he is indeed not divine,   as some polytheists assert nowadays.

6; God is all imortal.

God doesn’t die.

Because if he dies, he is not God anymore.

Some Polytheists today falsely proclaim, that Jesus has two natures. One is mortal, and another that is heavenly divine. Well emphatically, such claims are extraordinarily blasphemous, and explicitly polytheistic by demand.


Noone can licitly worship God, whilst he presumptuously desecrates the grand resplendency of God Almighty.


7'; God is all Incomparable.

    Such that comparison is impossible, unsuitable for comparison or lacking qualities that can be compared to His glorious entity.

God is not physically structured.

God has no physical representation or incarnation with any of  His creation.

He created them, so how come for Him, to be what He has created?

This is philosophically inconsistent, and religiously polytheistic.

8; God is all Omniscient.

He indeed knows everything.

His knowledge is unlimited by either space, time or scope. He is all knowing, all Wise.

There isn’t something that He doesn’t know.

According to the Bible, however, Jesus was unaware of some information.

He didn’t know when the endtime is going to be.

A Christian Apologist will attempt to rebuttal by proclaiming, that this was the mortal Jesus, not the divine one.

 Well, an independent clarification is mandatory to prove that proclaimation.  

The concept of the two nature is of a contemporary recognition, and it is theologically developed, as numerous historical sources have incisively affirmed.

9; God is Omnipresent.

He simply is everywhere. He is never limited by either time or distance, because He created both of them.

10; God is all Resplendent.

His eminent Glory is nonpareil, utterly unmatchable. He is not to be physically impersonated in mortal beings, and in the flesh.

This is the God that we believe in.

Anyone who chose to believe in these ten major principles, is considered to be sincerely monotheistic. And otherwise, will absolutely be polytheistic. 

 These principles are utterly attributed to God Almighty.

We as Muslims believe that God is unambiguously singular in His oneness.

His characteristics are greatly unadulterated.

Would you mind me asking you a question; Do you believe in God as I listed His major attributes and characteristics for you?

If you believe in so, then why you stubbornly insist to worship God’s creation?

Would you mind me asking you another question?

Do you believe that God is able to create anything He wants to create?

Is God able to create someone in a woman’s womb without any physical intervension?, meaning, without a father.

If you believe in so, then the whole argument dissolves.

Yes indeed, because this is precisely the decisive criteria of Jesus physical entity.

Can you specify the major motive that encourages you to worship Jesus?

  I have another question though:

Why Muhammad salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam has built his own Mosque, whilst Jesus salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam hasn’t built his Church?

He just worshipped with the Jews at their Temple, their house of worship, the Synagogue.

Well this point may consecutively lead to another crucial fact.

If Jesus was absolutely divine, then why he demanded to pray?

To whom Jesus prayed?

Did he pray to himself?

If this is the mortal Jesus that prayed, and not the divine one, well, you just need to show me your evident from the Bible.

Please, quote the Bible for that matter.

If you perceive that you are theologically ineligible to sufficiently respond, you may please pass my queries over to some adequate reverent who would do so.

Please, feel free to pass over these enquiries to the pastoral entitlement of your choice.

Thank you so much, and I look forward to hearing from you.     

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