[Faith-talk] The son and the sonship. A philosophical article.

Mostafa mostafa.almahdy at gmail.com
Mon Apr 14 19:40:31 UTC 2014

Dear respected Pastors and other recipients, peace be with you.

Today I would like to commence dissertating the concept of the son and the sonship.

In basic terms, the sonship of Christ to God is the most perplexing doctrine for me.

For that I do not fathom how Christians believe in it.

I would like to constitute my argumentative assertion on philosophical grassroots.      

First; what does the term son of God actually mean?

In order to illustrate on that regard, let us first examine the three types of sonship.

1; The sonship of lineage.

The sonship of lineage is what we can define as offspring generated by procreation.
I am  uncertain of how to comprehend the Christian proclaimation of Christ as the merely begotten son of God.

The verb beget signifys the literal import of engender or making children.

Of course, that does not belong to God.

By the way, I never understood them when they say, begotten, not made.

What do you mean?

I do not think that any sensible human being would agree with that proposition.

2; The metaphorical sonship.

Metaphor is the usage of terms to denote figurative meanings for rhetorical emphases.

So I could be the son of Egypt or the son of the nile.

  It does not mean I am a minor flow born out of the river.

It just emphasizes my patriotic fundamentals metaphorically.

Someone can be defined by the parents of his friend as their son metaphorically.

We all could be attributed as children of God, but in just a metaphorical manner.

We are the children of God as being His creation and the ones possessed by His mightyness and gracefulness.

We are the ones that He cares for and He provides sustenance to prolong our aliveness.

So without any doubtfulness, the second type of sonship is declined, and it certainly cannot be divine.

What we now have left is the sonship of adoption.

  The sonship of adoption is the legal proceeding that creates a parent-child relation between persons not related by ancestry.

Could that possibly be attributed to God?

I honestly do not think so.

These are the three types of sonship that all exists.

So which one of these would you Christians attribute to God?

I could not find the perfect solace for Christians in their attempt to explain what does the compound term son of God actually mean.

I am attempting to apprehend its significance up and down the line.
The Noble Koran has constantly encourages me to reflect and to implement my intellectual factors.

The Koran remarkably defys all prejudicial disposals, and it certainly appreciates noetic discernments.

     The Koran asks the rhetorical question; How can God bear a son whilst He glory be to Him is predominantly  exulted above any physical portrayals.

But then the Christian missionary is going to shout; God is able to do anything!

Well, God does not do ungodly things.

He only does what is apposite to His glorious transcendence.

  Yeah but, God still can do anything, the Christian missionary insists.  

Well, can he die?

Can God create something that he does not have a rule on?

Can God betray?

Can God lie?

You just said that God can always do anything.

Can God be an insect?

You have to clarify the vague statement that says God can just do anything.

But be careful please, you are talking about the Creator, the Sustainer and the Maintainer of this Universe.

You are not talking about the President of the United states or the monarch of England.

You are talking about the divine Sovereign, to Him it belongs all dominions, and to Him what matters shall return.

    Do we really understand that?

In conclusion then, it is quite obvious that the belief which attributes sonship to God is perplexed on various theological complex.

It is religiously blasphemous within the Koranic scrutiny and it has been repudiated on rational grounds.

I hope that does make any sense, and I pray to the One and Only to guide all of us to what pleases Him in this life and in the hereafter, Amen.

Peace and blessings be with all of you.

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