[Faith-talk] Introduction to Monotheism in Islam.

Mostafa mostafa.almahdy at gmail.com
Wed Apr 23 06:31:13 UTC 2014

Dear all, peace be with you.

Today I would like to extensively  proceed on discussing the concept of monotheism from our Islamic perspective.

Christians assert that they are monotheists but, how credible their proclaimation is.

The Christian theism is essentially based on temporal portraits and personations.

They constantly personify the divine being, they describe it as something that belongs to temporalty.

God in Christianity is always embodied in physical forms. 

For us as Muslims, Allah glory be to Him does not befit in such temporal beings.

He is much greater than that.

For them, he resembles temporally structured incarnations.

That is plainly blasphemous and it explicitly involves infidelity for us.

As Muslims, we believe in the oneness of Allah in a predominantly singular unity.

It is the oneness which cannot be added to or subtracted from.

The oneness of the Christian God can only be made when addition and subtraction are taken into consideration because of its triune conceptualization.  

   It does not really matter how much they will attempt to convince their laymen to believe in otherwise.

The Trinity will always be what it is.

The Trinity is essentially based on the concept of accession.

The father plus the son, plus the holy spirit, and that  equals the Trinity.

That is a concept which demands temporal portraiture and  summation.

It consists out of temporal elements and thus, it perfectly disaffiliates with divine concepts.

Islam believes in Allah as the one and only.

We have a concise chapter in the Noble Koran that comprehensively summarizes the concept of monotheism in Islam.

It renders as follows.

Say He is Allah the unique in oneness.

Allah is Self-sufficient.

He does not beget and He is not begotten.

And noone is comparable to Him.

Do we all agree on the description above about Allah glory be to Him?

I illustrated the meaning of these Koranic verses before but, we may reflect a bit further on their enormous significance.

These are four distinctive Koranic verses.

Each one of them states a major factor that relates to the divinity of Allah glory be to Him.

The initial verse unambiguously states the singularity of Allah glory be to Him.

It is the robustly divine wholeness which cannot either be added to or subtracted from.

  Allah is Self-sufficient.

It means He glory be to Him is Self-sustaining, He is able to provide for His creation without any secondary discretion.

If He is not able to provide for Himself, and He needs Jesus to shed his blood in order to forgive, how He then will be able to provide for His creation independently?

Furthermore, He is all Omnipotent to atone or penalize without any intervention of third parties.

Consequently, we as Muslims decline to recognize the divinity of Christ as Christians regard it.

We do so because it massively intercepts with the concept of monotheism in Islam and it plainly destructs the Transcendent Omnipotence of Allah glory be to Him.

  He does not beget and He is not begotten.

It basicly negates any offspring procreations about Allah, whether that is giving to or coming from.

We previously discussed the three types of sonship.

The sonship of lineage, the metaphorical sonship, and the sonship of adoption.

Non of these can appositely  be attributed to Allah glory be to Him.

And noone is comparable to Him.

Allah glory be to Him is matchless and He is utterly incomparable.

For Muslims, it is totally unbearable to portray the divine being into any temporal parameters.

We consider such portrayals a radical desecration to Allah glory be to Him.

  The concept of monotheism in Islam is quite simple and straightforward.

It does not need any philosophical complications to illustrate its essence.

It just needs open-mindedness and clarity to sedately approve the testimony of truthfulness.

What is the testimony of truthfulness?

It is the acceptance of the genuine monotheism just as it is.

Christian theism  is gravely dissatisfied.  

I am afraid but I really cannot endorse its doctrinal tennets.

I cannot flatter its fundamentals fallaciously.     

The principles of the Christian faith are quite ungrasped.

They excessively sanctify Jesus Christ whilst they expect him to tolerate that.

            Jesus peace and blessings be upon him will certainly defy and repudiate their marvellous profanation.  

  Christian apologists are constantly diluted about Jesus Christ.

I have a friend of mine who lives in Houston Texas, his name is Daniel Vejil.

He abandoned Christianity out of massive disarray brought by various denominational ministries.

I unfeignedly invite my Christian friends to reconsider what they believe in.

Christian apologists denounce Islam invidiously.

They detest Islam out of envy.

I have a Texan dialect folks.

I just did that to  break the roughness of my theological criticism.

I have based my affirmitive argumentation on solid basis of decisive evidence.

Islam offers a crystal clear solution to the vastly perplexed religious crisis.

We just call on Allah the One and only.

The One Who is able to forgive us without the help of Jesus or anybody else.

I am not attempting to proselytize though.

I already dislike doing that in the first place.

Christian denominations are broadly designated on confronting each other within major doctrinal factors.

Some of them identify themselves as Trinitarians whilst others chose to present themselves as Unitarians.  

  Should I even involve myself in such sempiternal complex?

How you can ask someone to be Christian whilst you even cannot tell me who God is.

Is he based on Trinitarianism or Unitarianism?

Both are Christian, and they basicly call each other infidles.

So I am not sure who  should I trust and why?

Christian Trinitarians assault Unitarians, they call them heretics and vice versa.

I am fully prepared to be engaged in thorough discussions   with registered pastors and ministers.

They can choose the subject and they can freely schedule the proper appointment to meet with me on Skype.

I want to directly respond to the fallacy they idiotically associate to Islam.

I will demand them to accurately cite their authentic references or I am going to recognize those apologists as just prejudicial deceivers.

Well they mostly are just fraudulent apologists who wickedly pose religious misconceptions to unremarkable Muslims.

They do that to just invoke precariousness in their untutored minds.

So I am intrigued to know, are they prepared to face my theological reprisal?

They always promote that we flee from all debates.

So here I am, I propose the theological debate to discuss any of the commonly disputed subjects between Islam and Christianity.

I am also willing to reflect on our mutual beliefs.

I look forward to hearing from those who are interested to tackle the challenge.

Peace be with you.


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