[Faith-talk] Daily Thought for Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Paul oilofgladness47 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 29 19:36:10 UTC 2014

Hello and good day to all my loyal readers out there.  I hope that this finds you doing as well as can be expected.

Today we are continuing the discussion about practicing the presence of God as discussed by Brother Lawrence.  Today's topic is entitled "Means of Attaining the Presence of God," rendered as follows:

1.  The first means is a great purity of life.

2.  The second is a great faithfulness in the practice of His presence, and in keeping the soul's gaze upon God, quietly, humbly and lovingly, without giving way to difficulties or worries.

3.  Take care that you begin your actions, continue them, and finish them with an inward lifting of the heart to God.  And as it takes time and trouble to acquire this habit, so you need not be discouraged by failure; as its formation is difficult, so will your joy be great when it is attained.

Is it not right that the heart, which is the seat of life governing the rest of the body, should be the first and last to love and worship God, both in beginning and finishing our works, spiritual and temporal, and generally throughout the business of life? It is the heart, therefore, that must ensure this turning to God, which, as I have already said, can more easily be done spontaneously and without study.

4.  It is helpful for those who undertake this practice to use interiorly short ejaculations, such as:  "My God, I am wholly yours"; "O God of love, I love you with all my heart"; "Lord, make my heart like Yours"; or any such words as love may suggest at the moment.  But care must be taken that the mind does not wander and return again to the world; keep it turned to God only, so that, controlled and subdued by the will, it cannot but rest in God.

5.  This practice of the presence of God is not easy at the outset, but if persevered in it produces imperceptibly wonderful works in the soul; it draws down from the Lord an abundance of grace and leads insensibly to that simple gaze of love, to that sight of God's continual presence, which is the most simple, and the most fruitful kind of prayer.

6.  Notice, if you please, that to attain this state the control of the senses is taken for granted.  It is impossible for a soul inordinately fond of earthly things to find complete joy in the presence of God, for to be with the Creator it is necessary wholly to give up whatever is created.

And that will do it for today.  Tomorrow we will conclude Brother Lawrence's spiritual discourses.  Even though I've had no comments, I pray that what he wrote back in the mid 17th century was and is a blessing to some of you, if not all.

And now may the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob just keep us safe, individually and collectively, in these last days in which we live.  Your Christian friend and brother, Paul

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