[Faith-talk] Daily Thought for Thursday, August 7, 2014

Paul oilofgladness47 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 7 18:36:09 UTC 2014

Hello and good day to you all on this Thursday or, for you in Australia and New Zealand, an early Friday morning as this is being written.  I hope that your day is going well, by God's matchless grace and His providential care.

This article will be of special interest to you ladies who like to make things out of fabric, and especially blankets.  However for the rest of us, there's something in it for you as well, if you'll take time to "read between the lines." The story in question was written by Esther M. Bailey from Arizona, and is entitled "A Blessing I Almost Missed," rendered as follows:

I wonder how many times I miss a blessing because I don't reach out to strangers.  How many times do I miss an opportunity to bring a blessing to someone else? An idea for conversation may even come to mind, but I usually remain silent.

My friend Jenny helped me overcome my reticence while we were shopping at a fabric store.  I had purchased a king size quilt for a queen bed because I didn't want to use a bed skirt.  The length, however, gave me only a twelve-inch drop.  I needed nine more inches across the bottom to complete the design of the quilt.

With one of the pillow shams in hand, Jenny and I began to look for fabric that would blend with the bright colored quilt.  "This isn't bad," Jenny said as she fingered a red fabric with a scattering of tiny white leaves.  It would blend with the panels running down the sides except it was brighter.  I found a similar fabric that was more subdued than the side panels.

Since neither of us could decide between the two, Jenny said to a lady who stood nearby, "Which do you think blends better?"

Pointing to the brighter color, she said, "That one." Her idea was good enough for us.

When I learned that the lady was also shopping for fabric for a quilt, I said, "I should send you what's left of my material." I needed a three-yard long piece of cloth but only half a yard wide.

"Yes, I can always use extra fabric," she replied with a smile.

After paying for my purchase, I again approached the lady.  "I'll be glad to have it cut in two and give half of it to you."

"You would just throw it away?" she asked.  In response to my affirmative reply, she said, "Yes, I'll be glad to get it."

While the clerk cut the fabric for us, my new friend explained her ongoing project.  In the church she attended, hers was one of six homes that took in foster children.  Each time a family took in a new foster child, the church presented the child with a quilt.  The woman also participated in making the quilts.

"Wow! What a cool project," I said.  I like to hear about unique ways of making a difference in the lives of others, and this was one of the best.

Even though I had only a small part in a major enterprise, I left the store that day with my heart full of joy.  When I take advantage of an opportunity to bless someone else, I always receive the greater blessing.  If I want to keep the blessings coming, sometimes I need to reach out to strangers.

And there you have it for today, and I hope this and previous articles and subsequent ones have been and will continue to be blessings for you.

You know, before the advent of the Internet most of us didn't know one another, but what blessings we have received in communicating via e-mail! And the blessings? Well, if we were to list them all from the contacts we have made, whether via a list or individually, the lists would contain nothing but appreciation for what this person or that person has done or said.  That may not be a bad thing in and of itself.  However, don't get the idea that because you have been a blessing to someone don't get a swelled head, otherwise Dr. God may just come and do a spiritual lance on that swelling!

And that will do it for today.  Until tomorrow when, Lord willing another Daily Thought message will be presented, may the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob just keep us safe, individually and collectively, in these last days in which we live.  Your Christian friend and brother, Paul

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