[Faith-talk] a PS about the Harry Potter phenomenon

trising at sbcglobal.net trising at sbcglobal.net
Wed Dec 31 13:53:29 UTC 2014

            I believe, beyond a shadow of doubt that God loves us so much that He sent His Son, in our place to die for us on the 
cross so that we could join Him in Heaven. I also believe that the Bible is God's word to us about His love for us and how He wants 
us to live our lives. That being said, I had to send a Pac Mate Braille display in for refurbishment because I read all seven Harry 
Potter books in three months. They were excellent fiction. They were just that, fiction. They do not tell me how to live my life and 
they do not endanger my salvation. I will continue to be a Christian who happens to attend a Missouri Synod Lutheran Church. When I 
die I will be with Jesus in Heaven. While I am here, I will continue to read really excellent fiction. Blessings in the New Year to 
all of you.

Terri Wilcox

 Sent from my Windows computer 

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