[Faith-talk] Concerning Hymns.

Mostafa mostafa.almahdy at gmail.com
Fri Jan 10 20:52:52 UTC 2014

Dear all, peace be with you.

Today I am writing my friends regarding a regular practice I observed within Christian worship services.

In spite of what denomination you belong to, but you constantly have Hymns at the Church.

If I thoroughly apprehend the concept of Hymns, they are religious songs of praise to God, devoted to contemporary Churching engagements.

I hope that my humble definition is accurately expressive to the correct conception.

Now, the question probably would be;

Why Hymns?

What is the significance of that?

Do you have any traditional practice that is committed to early Christians on that regard?

I thought that we would recite the word of God or supplicate to Him in prayers, but not singing to God.

I have not seen that before.

Well, in Islam, when we demand to communicate with God, we can either evoke our dedication to recite the Divinely revealed Noble Koran, we can pray to God, or just worship Him in what we refer to as Salat, which is a prescribed liturgy five times a day, but we can always get closer to God by praying to Him and committing to  good deeds.

What is the evidence of praying to God in Hymns within the Holy Bible?

  Singing is an entertaining activity, and it involves tempting vocals incorporated with instrumental performances.

Whilst prayer is a spiritual activity, and it involves devotional sentiments and solemn  actions to the deity that is being worshipped.

So I am just uncertain, how they both could match for you?

   Can you explain that concept please?

Thank you, and peace be with you.


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