[Faith-talk] Top three tips of turning your marriage into paradise.

Mostafa mostafa.almahdy at gmail.com
Wed Jan 29 13:12:09 UTC 2014

Dear all, peace be with you.

With the Will of Allah, this is my third segment of the series entitled; Why divorce occurs.

Today with the Will of Allah, we will not dive any further on the causes of divorce constant occurrence.

I believe we had enough of that in the first couple of episodes.

Well today, we will rather focus on more optimistic aspects of how to make the marital life happier.

Moreover, we will share the top three tips of turning the marital life into a piece of heaven.

So to the core of the subject then.

Let us agree at its inception, that the marital life is essentially meant for stability and prosperity.

People get married for the following reasons.

1; To persist the existence of the human race.

2; To appreciate the warmth of passion and affection, and at the same time, to licitly fulfill our desires,which Allah permissibly commanded us to.

3'; To be settled with making familys, and to blithely live together.

Whilst marital life is intended to be the perfected harmony for all of us, unless there are some key obstacles which could possibly turn the joy of marriage into the ever worst tragedy.

Here are the top three major tips of overcoming these endangering obstacles.

1; Mutual respect.

Love is not just all about affectional phrases or romantic disciplines.

Everything in this life has a bedrock, and the bedrock of love in marriage is the mutual respect.

If you want to implant love in marriage, you ought to irrigate its soil with mutual respect. 

It is not really possible for that respect to  merely be unilateral.
That will probably turn the marital life into uninterrupted chain of furious disputes.

    2; Recognizing your rights and duties.

Marital life is quite different than the single one.

In the single life, we are just responsible for ourselves.

But in marriage, our responsibility tremendously extends to dual obligation.

Many freshly espoused couples have missed that significant aspect of marriage.
As you have the right to take, you ought to justly give in turn.

Marital life is about the simultaneous comportment of equally sharing your rights and duties.

3; The mutual conversation.

I absolutely believe that the married couples have to constantly engage into dialog on a regular basis.

Even in the deepest details of their intimate relationship, they ought to converse, they have to critically discuss it.

And if either side is troubled at some point, he has to seek in refuge for the dialog with his partner.

Here it comes the substantial role of the one whom the complaint is brought to.

He must listen attentively, and not just pretend to.

The married couples ought to thoroughly discuss all aspect of marital life.

They have to discuss its financial, mental, emotional, intellectual, and even intimate facets. 

Single people tend to look at the marital life with much concerns, suspicions, and irrational skepticism.

But I am assuring them whilst including myself, there is no harm in marriage.

To the contrary, it is the most eminent and the most precious  relationship which is broadly discerned in all human traditions.

The central constituent of it is the mutual respect, which gradually nourishes the development of affection and harmony.

Well, that is what I have got for the time being.

In the meantime, and until Allah Inspires me to render another post, stay blessedly in His grace, peace be with you.

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