[Faith-talk] word of testamony

Andrew andrewjedg at gmail.com
Tue Jul 22 15:33:40 UTC 2014

Hi all first off i realize i probably did get carried away with
things yesterday but just that i get on my soap box when i know god
has been in my life and can't back down.  just that me as a christian
and believer in jesus christ wants to go deep as a person and i
understand all faiths  do come here  and it is hard not to talk about
what jesus does for us christians and i know it probably offends some
people.  and if that is the case  and somebody could clarify this but
i thought faith talk ment it was a christian list if it is not  i
personally feel if people are offended why doesn't a christian group
be created under the nfb or something for more concentrated
christians.  i know what god has done for me and i will share bit of
testamony below. once i get on to something i speak my mind  generally

just as i said hear is bit of a wor word of testamony.  I was born in
a christian home and i grew up in church. i became a christian at age
11 because of an end time teaching done by a local pastor at the time.
I prayed the prayer with my mom and   asked him into my heart.
I prayed did bit of scripture reading  after a while i stopped and
things.  fast forward  few years later in high school i was not paying
much attention to the lord but  i again heard some end time teaching
so i turned back to the lord through much the same thing praying with
my mom  i have my share of ups and downs and i got baptized through
water baptism i was going through my share of ups and downs with the
school for the blind here in canada bullied called names things like
that which still to this day struggle with that anger and the
and i know i am not perfecrt as i am only human i still have bagage
from the past and sometimes for some people saying for get abou t the
past won't help me much anyway but anyway it has been put on me that i
want to serve my god lord jesus christ but only way i feel i am going
to accomplish that is moving out from my family and spreading my
wings. I  want to be somewhere where there is busses  and things to
help me get around and i can be with other blind people. i feel   i
just need to get my family off my back as my life is not their lives
and i am ready and willing to shake them loose from me i love them
very much but the time i spread my wings and get out from the nest it
is only then i will be able to grow and get a life.  and i am trying
to rely on god to help me with these things. and as a christian a
young man i know god has big plans ahead even though i don't know what
exactly they are but  but it is going to require me to move out from
the nest called family and find a life of my own.  i am only 27 years
old and i desire independence in every area and  longer i stay in the
rut the more ancus and more angry in life i will be and more unhappy
with life i will become. so i have to get ou t of the parents home.
enough on that but i believe god is going to help me and i am a
working progress as i am a sinner and it is only by his grace that he
delivers me from my sins and stretches me. as i can't do it alone.
and i refuse to do it alone without god.  and i tell you something if
people think i am crazy i am glad to know that because that is
conclusion i have come to. by the way few years ago i had some
thoughts of killing myself this was a few years ago.  but anyway i am
saying that was god rescued me from killing myself and he delivered me
from that and i know that was from satan himself as i know that is
satan whispering those negative things.  but god's grace i am still
here and can testafy that god pulled me out of the  took those
thoughts from me.  thanks all for reading and thanks for putting up
with me  grins!!

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