[Faith-talk] Unbelievable

Brandon A. Olivares programmer2188 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 22 19:12:39 UTC 2014


Someone from this list has apparently tried to remove me from it. I got the confirmation email, and also the IP from which the request came, which of course is not my own. I also believe I know who has done this, going back through the email headers of recent mails sent, but that’s not for me to share here, though I have reported it.

I just want to say, I can’t believe that someone would try to remove someone from a list, just because they share differing opinions. I think that is a serious breach in the mutual respect that we should try to foster here. I am all for the equal sharing of all opinions, but as we saw the last few days, if the respect isn’t there, it can get quite ugly.


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