[Faith-talk] Unsubscription Announcement.

Mostafa mostafa.almahdy at gmail.com
Thu Jul 24 01:26:19 UTC 2014


After deep thinking and consideration, I eventually decided to totally unsubscribe from the faith talk list.

My reasons are immensely numerous, and I am going to basically outline the major ones in the section below.

1; •I perceive I am a troublemaker, and particularly to those who favor the practice of racism and invidious disposals.

    2''; • I am not able to courteously tolerate the magnificent  impact of the mental support of the Zionist colonial occupation to Palestine, let  alone the total neglectedness of the deliberate disinformation about the conflict therein, its commencement, the motivating factor behind its escalation, and the plain favoritism  of the Zionist ideology, a perfectly unilateral disposal.  

Even the list moderator  herself, she is a Zionist fundamentalist, effected by right-wing Protestant apologists of her country.

She once forwarded a Zionist post to the list which clearly exposes her identity, and on another occasion, she arrogantly commented that the government of her country allows Moslem terrorists to build Mosques, I typed it this way, Moslems, that is how right-wing fundamentlists pronounce it, so it is to just be apposite to her pre-determined disposition and derogatory remarks.  

3; •I quite recognized that the list here is not the proper forum to post my theological scrutinies.

Ordinarily, my theological discourses are often stumbled with unremarkable believeing Christians, who are quite the laymen of the faith, let alone the self-declared Doctorate holder, nor the Bear of Last Frontier.

They both are not to match the level of my theological scrutinies, in spite of their self-proclaimation that they do.

One of them generalizes a subject instead of addressing my specified scrutiny, he did not walk me through  handful of tips to plainly clarify his point, and the other one acts like my chief, he commands me what to do and what not to do, what to say and what not to say, which is absolutely intolerable.

4; • The list here belongs to American organization, which means it will predominantly be dominated with American acculturation which obviously has the precise impact of Americanism, let alone the quite usage of the colloquial language which Americans wholeheartedly adhere. 

I am a graduate of the British Council, and I would much prefer to be loyal to what they have taught me.

5; • The list here is utterly dominated by blind people, and it is not a normal environment.

Although my fiance herself is blind, but we do not live in an isolated  part of the society.

To the contrary, we have sighted mates, and we regularly hangout with them which is quite healthy and mentally unremarkable.

My farewell statement consists of rough causes which have provoked the motivation to the decision I made.

But emphatically, those who their E-Mails  listed in the to field are exempted from my strident criticism, and I constantly look forward to be regularly in touch with them, particularly, the two lovely and respectful couples in German, Doriss and Chris, and the daily inspirer of this list, the respectful and the unfeignedly devout Christian, MR. Paul.

  MR. Paul, I wish to continually receive your daily devotions, and I sincerely look forward to talking to you, and we will soon arrange to converse inshallah.

Doriss and Chris, please be always in touch.

I have listened to your lovely recording, and I am going to respond to that on Monday evening inshallah, as I am now fully busy with Ramadan schedule, so please forgive me for being so late.

I usually type my posts in either the time of breakfast, which is a dinner time, or as of right now, which is just before the dawn.

So please, would you mind me just catch up sipping some water before the dawn summons?

Thank you so much for your time, and thank you for your courtesy.

In the care of God I leave you, in His ultimate Grace and Glory, peace be with you.

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