[Faith-talk] Morning Dedication

trising at sbcglobal.net trising at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jul 25 19:49:20 UTC 2014

    Dear Papa Bear:

     I really enjoyed the first chapter of your book. It makes me want your good but spineless character to get a backbone, and your 
mean character to get his come upance! Of course, none of us are good and we are all dependent on God's grace, so I should not wish 
for him to get what he deserves unless I want to wish to get what I deserve. Since I do not wish this, I need to have more sympathy 
for that positively mean man!!

Terri Wilcox

P.S. I am a totally blind person who would love to read that book in Braille if possible when it is finished, or at least to hear it 
in an audio format. 

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