[Faith-talk] Satan and the Saint, Part three for Saturday, June 28, 2014

Paul oilofgladness47 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 28 16:08:31 UTC 2014

Hello and good day to all my fellow saints of the Most High God.  Before I post this third part in the series, I'd like to tell you what happened earlier this morning.

I was typing this article out on another list, when suddenly my audio quit.  And, not only that, my computer completely shut down.  Of course, the most logical thing for me to do was to pray to the Lord that He would see to it that my computer would not only start working again, but that I'd have audio to complete this part and eventually the series.  Obviously, that happened.  I knew that the adversary would use every possible trick in the book to see that you all didn't get the message about him and his tactics.  This is all the more reason why you, who are more adept at spiritual prayer warfare than the undersigned is, that you would pray that God would permit the entire series to be posted.  Please also pray that, as you read these articles, that you don't get sidetracked by anything the enemy will throw at you to divert your attention.  To all you spiritual prayer warriors, thanks for your timely intervention in this matter.  And now we continue with Part Three of this series.

Today, the reader's attention is called to Ephesians, chapter 6, verses 10 through 12.  In these three verses, we have an insight into some of the emissaries which Satan has at his disposal.  Right here, it is well for us to realize that Satan is a created being.  He did not always exist as God does, but he was brought into being at a specific point in eternity.  Satan is neither omnipresent, omniscient, nor omnipotent, thus making him only capable of knowing some things, but not all things.  While he is powerful, yes, mighty powerful, he is not all powerful.  While he can probably travel at the speed of light, yet he can only be in one place at one time.  God is capable of being everywhere at the same time.  Satan is only capable of being at one given spot at any given time.

I would like to stress this to the saints because we are frequently that, when we are tempted or facing some severe trial or struggling with some terrible depression, it is Satan himself buffeting us or that it is Satan himself tempting us.  Actually, I am of the opinion that seldom does a child of God have a confrontation with Satan himself.  Perhaps only once or twice in one's entire lifetime will one be confronted by that wicked one personally.  I would not be surprised if there are many saints who are never confronted by Satan.

Actually, what is mistaken for Satan frequently is one of his emissaries or demons.  Just as truly as the Lord Jesus Christ is King over the kingdom of light, Satan is the king over the kingdom of darkness.  We know the Lord Jesus Christ has innumerable angels at His disposal, angels of whom He spoke about quite frequently during His earthly ministry.  Frequently, Jesus spoke of the fact that He could have called an entire legion of angels at any given time--that He was never alone.

We do not have more space to give all the references to this fact of the Lord Jesus heading the kingdom of light with all the seraphim, cherubim, archangels, and angelic beings at His disposal.  Likewise, Satan also has numerous emissaries at his disposal in the kingdom of darkness, and they are demons.  Here again, there is some evidence that demons could very well be fallen angelic beings.  In other words, when Satan rebelled and was cast out of Heaven and one-third of the angels with him, these angels are now the demons that are ready to do their master's work.  Hence, when you are tempted, when you are oppressed or obsessed, or depressed, it is quite possible that it is one or more of the demonic powers that are at work rather than Satan himself.

Again, we might observe that the child of God who is really accomplishing great things to the glory of God is far more apt to have encounters with Satan himself as well as demons.  I have often thought that, while the average evangelical Christian may be harassed by one or two demonic powers, the average deacon in an evangelical church probably has a few dozen after him, night and day.  However, the poor pastor, the man of God, is apt to encounter a whole legion of demonic powers, ever stalking his path and endeavoring to put spiritual banana peels before him to make him slip and slide.  Oh, saint of God, be not ignorant concerning the devices of Satan and be not ignorant concerning his numerous emissaries.  You might as well make up your mind right now that you have a personal enemy who hates you and plans your downfall every day.  Satan is no friend of the believer in Jesus Christ.

This is why the Apostle Paul begins that tenth verse by saying, "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might.  Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil."

Notice that expression "the wiles of the devil." There is no possible way that any of us, in our own strength or intellect, can match the cunning, subtle, evil ways of Satan and his emissaries.  We must be strong in the Lord.  Let us ever remember that our strength is in the Lord.  Not only is our strength in the Lord, but it is also in the power of His might; namely, the Lord's might.

After the Apostle Paul makes it crystal clear that we are to be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might, he gives the reason for such abiding in the power of God.  He tells us that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but, and after that but, the Apostle outlines the four specific demonic categories that the saint of God has conflict with.

Space may not permit us to take every one of them today, but we shall begin.  You will notice that the very first demonic power that the believer has conflict with is called principalities.  If one makes a careful study of this particular classification of demons, he will note that, throughout the Bible, their realm of activity has to do with earthly governments.  They influence kings, potentates, presidents, legislators, etc.  Probably the book of Daniel has the most enlightening comments concerning this classification of demonic beings.  You will note, when Daniel prayed earnestly and persistently, his prayers were not answered.  Daniel continued to pray.  Finally, when the angel came to Daniel, he told Daniel that his prayers were heard immediately, but when he determined to bring the answer, "The Prince of Persia hindered me." He explained how he had to join forces with the archangel Michael, which might signify that the angel in question could have been Gabriel, and together they had to fight back the principalities in order to see that Daniel's prayer was answered.

>From the context, it is quite plain that the Prince of Persia thus spoken of was not the earthly potentate, but rather the spiritual principality that influenced, oppressed, obsessed, and perhaps even possessed, the Prince of Persia.

No wonder one of the characteristics and titles that Satan bears is that of god of this world.  Yes, the nations of the world, as they come together in the conclaves, are harassed, influenced, and ensnared by these principalities.  Thus, we have lived to see war after war, terrible atrocities going back to the days of the Kaiser, Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, and God only knows what the future holds.  These demons will be at work until the final consummation when the man of sin, the beast, the antichrist, who will in a sense be Satan incarnate, will appear as world ruler.

In light of the foregoing remarks before this article was posted, if any of you who know my phone number wish to pray with me via that method (I don't have Skype.), that would be very much appreciated, although, as we all know, it's not necessary.  I just need to know that others are standing with me in this conflict with a satanic demon or even several.

Tomorrow we will have the usual weekly Bible game, and thus this series will be on a hiatus, but will resume on Monday.

And now may the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob just keep us safe, individually and collectively, in these last days in which we live.  Your Christian friend and brother, Paul

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