[Faith-talk] Don't Love; Be Love

Brandon Olivares via Faith-talk faith-talk at nfbnet.org
Thu May 22 18:10:54 UTC 2014

Dear all,

I have some thoughts on love that I would like to post. I would appreciate open discussion on the matter.

What is Love?

Love is the force that holds all creation together. Without Love, the universe would fly apart.

We experience this in daily life. When you love someone, you want to be around them. You want to be with them in every way possible.

But this love is not sufficient, because it has conditions. When you get angry or upset at a person you love, you are showing the conditions of your love. It means they aren’t truly free to be who they may be, because human love has conditions.

We all hear that we should love. Love seems to be a doing— something we have to strive for. We make an effort to love everyone.

But it’s impossible. Love is not a doing. It is not something you add to yourself and suddenly you have the quality of love. It is not something you can develop.

Instead, you must realize that you are Love. Love is your very nature. It is simply clouded over by your egoic judgments— your attempt to do. Instead it is an act of undoing. It is an act of letting go of everything that is not Love. Once all things are undone, Love will remain, and you will live out Love perfectly in the world. It is more correct to say that you will be lived by Love in the world. There is nothing to fight; there is nothing to resist.

Then you will love perfectly, without condition. No one could possibly do anything to make you love them more or less, because your love does not depend on them. It depends on living out your own nature. This Love is all-embracing, all-consuming. It changes lover and loved alike.

In 1 Corinthians 13, Paul says that the most important attribute is Love, and that it will never fail. John says God is Love. It will never fail because it is what we are.

Paul also says in verse 12 of the same chapter, “For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face.” Ah, how true. We see a reflection now because ego is in the way. All we can see in the world are projections of ego, which actually block out Love. When those projections are healed, then we will see “face-to-face,” the actual reality of things, as it were. And the actual reality of things is perfect Love.


www.EscapeTheDream.org: Put an End to Suffering and Return to Joy

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