[Faith-talk] The Way the Truth and the Life

Brandon Olivares via Faith-talk faith-talk at nfbnet.org
Fri May 23 03:03:07 UTC 2014

Someone recently mentioned John 14:6. I wanted to bring up my own interpretation of this verse, since many people believe that Jesus was being exclusivistic here. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The post can be found here: http://www.escapethedream.org/forums/truth-religion/way-truth-and-life

In John 14:6, Jesus says the well-known words that are oft repeated by Christians today. In the last satsaṅg, I discussed what this verse really means, as well as the surrounding verses.

However, I'd like to discuss it here a bit more and open it up for discussion.

We must remember that Jesus was most likely fully awakened. Many people call it Christ consciousness, but it really doesn't matter what we call it. What matters is that his personal identity was dead and gone. When Jesus said the word “I”, he was not referring to his body, for how could he? He knew that he was not his body, but much, much more.

No, when he said “I”, he meant the universal I AM. He meant the All That Is.

Therefore when he says, “I” am the way the truth and the life, he is making a simple declarative statement. I am Truth. I am The Way. I am Life itself, which flows through every being equally, giving always. This is what I am, and this is the only way to the Father, also known as Truth or the ultimate Self. There is no other way, but to lose your egoic identity and become the very Life that flows through every atom of creation. You lose only your limited self, but you gain the whole universe. This is truly the way.


www.EscapeTheDream.org: Put an End to Suffering and Return to Joy

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