[Faith-talk] faith to get a job

Andrew andrewjedg at gmail.com
Tue Nov 25 14:42:03 UTC 2014

Hi all

I know it is sometimes hard to understand how faith works sometimes
at least for me.   My impression when it comes to faith is  this god
may put opportunities  in front of us  as far as jobs go. Also  is it
a blind related thing we pray for the our ourselves to get jobs but
when that job does not come we  get driven up the wall.  blind people
do have a high unemployment rate.  How can we prove these stats are
actually true.  and if the source isn't true to where stats have come
from what is cause of why some of us can't seem to find jobs is it
because we don't have enough  faith is it because we have made excuses
for ourselves i sure done that time to time i am no angel.  The thing
is this that we really need to work on our faith or whatever compells
us to go forward.  I feel like allot of this requires effort on our
part as blind individuals.  now i done my share of complaining
complaining does not get anywhere inless we do something about it. I
believe god gives us a mind to think and gives us a braine to think
through what we want as people  or individuals.  Just like god will
not force somebody to serve him.  the thing is this if we don't serve
him or do the job god has for us even employment wise as well he could
soon  pick somebody else to do his work.  god gives us free will to do
what we want when it comes to opportunities  weather to reject them or
take them.

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