[Faith-talk] The Principle of Wu Wei

Debby Phillips semisweetdebby at gmail.com
Sat Jan 10 23:16:24 UTC 2015

Ah, Brandon! But you see, spirituality within Christianity can be 
terrifying, too.  Have you read Saint John of the Cross? He 
writes about a very dark time in his life.  And there are others 
who have written of desert times when God seemed terribly, 
frighteningly absent.  And I have experienced those times myself.  
Where are you, God? And in the Chronicles of Narnia, someone says 
of Aslan, (who is symbolic for Jesus) Aslan is good, but he's not 
tame." So at this point in my life, I am clinging to God who is 
orderly, and in control.  And yet if I surrender totally to God, 
(which is my aim, and lose my life for Him, then my life can 
never be the same.  To dwell in silence, in His Presence, and yet 
not sense His Presence, is a terrifying experience indeed.  And 
to walk in faith, but not to hear His voice, not to know that He 
is with me is a terrifying thing.  Sometimes, all we can cling to 
is the knowledge that He is.  And somehow that in His Presence is 
love, even though that Love seems far away.  Christianity is not 
for sissies.  It is really only for the brave of heart.  
Christianity does not succeed for lack of trying, but for failure 
to try.  Most of us, and me included often settle for mediocre 
Christianity, at best.  We can only stand the ordered path of 
"church on Sunday" kind of Christianity.  And yet it is so much 
more.  Christ wants us to follow Him to death, to carry our 
cross, to accept suffering, not just the "comfort" of 
Christianity, but the cross.  Okay, now that I've probably 
confused you and everybody else, I'll go hide again quite awhile.  
(Smile).  And yes, Brandon, I like this kind of dialog.  I'm not 
trying to convert you-if that should happen then it's not my 
doing, I'm just sharing with you, and you're sharing with me.  
Agreed?    Blessings,    Debby

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