[Faith-talk] Prayer and Blindness

Linda Mentink mentink at frontiernet.net
Fri Jan 23 17:23:44 UTC 2015

That's wacked. Blindness is not demon-related. Those who think so 
give Satan way too much credit! Those are the same ones who say he 
gives them colds and other illnesses. They don't know their Bibles, 
nor do they really know their Lord.



At 11:09 AM 1/23/2015, you wrote:
>Hi I have had faith healers come up to me while i'm out running 
>errands sometime and they want to pray for me and they put their 
>hands over my eyes. They ask God to "cast this demon out of me. 
>After they're done, I tel them that with perpoer training and 
>alternative techniques, blindness is just a  physical neusance. 
>Sometimes they get it and sometimes they dont.
>I also had one person tell me that since my parents sinned , that's 
>why i'm blind and I'm part devil!
>After they left I asked God to protect me and to tell the devil to go away!

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