[Faith-talk] {Disarmed} Fwd: Behold, The Second Coming. Religion is a message sent through time... proof within, from 9/11 to the Ancient of Days.

Adam M. Dobrin adam at fromthemachine.org
Mon Mar 7 15:19:34 UTC 2016

And Adam said, *Let there be light:*

In "Ex odus," we see God linking Oracle Corporation and Linux to his iconic
phrase, "let there be light." It's found by reading backwards, and adds the
element for Earth, Xe... the light of the Camera's Flash.  This is one of 7
periodic table elements that link directly to the Revelation of
Christ, and *Ecclesiastes
9:11.  **https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/4980hy/an_open_letter_from_the_last_adam_to_redditcom/

On Mar 5, 2016, at 12:40 PM, "adam at fromthemachine.org" <
adam at fromthemachine.org> wrote:

(this email is mirrored here: yitsheyzeus.tumblr.com
<http://t.ymlp94.net/usealaemysjanausuaiamujm/click.php>)  There's about 15
minutes of YouTube videos here, please... watch them.  They will *enlighten

I’m Adam. <http://t.ymlp94.net/usmavaemysjarausuaiamujm/click.php>

I hope you will hear what I have to say,
<http://t.ymlp94.net/usjaaaemysjadausualamujm/click.php> I am aware that
this kind of message is often returned with much skepticism, but if you
research who I am and what I say… I believe you will find ever more
positive affirmation that my claim is the most credible that ever was *and
ever will be*.
If you aren’t into reading long stuff, there are videos not so far
down–they are filled with bright light. With them, I hope to change the way
you see religion in general, and the world in particular.

For about 3 years I have had what you might consider a “religious
experience,” you could say God found me in Eden. We’ve spent most of these
last years talking together about the future, about where humanity is going
and how religion can help us get there. I am unsealing secrets that have
never before been known; a message woven in all of the holy scriptures from
Genesis to Revelation and including a significant amount of affirmation
from the the book of Mormon, the Koran, and ancient mythology.

Most of all, my Revelation centers around the story of Exodus, and how this
allegorical work is more than a parable of our time, it was written
specifically about us and for us. It’s a big clue that shows us that all of
scripture, and all of history is about this time… the period of time when
humanity is about to grow into something much bigger using the technology
which we have “received” from above in an information transfer that Being
so close to it, we often overlook the obvious… but science and technology
are at the heart of religion and this Revelation. All the way back to the
days of Isaac Newton’s Eden, we are given an absolution from “original sin”
that comes when we realize the gravity of the situation. Apples aside, we
are about to literally build the place we think of as Heaven… this place
will exist on Earth, and in the technological “castle” that we will
collaboratively design with virtual reality, mind uploading, and BCI
As in the story of Exodus, God is leading us from slavery, this kind though
is one that is often unseen. It is mired by secrecy and conspiracy,
corruption and ignorance—religion will no longer be regarded “the opiate of
the masses,” I can assure you. Great social change is underway. Things you
probably want very much but may not think about so much are at the center
of the message which I have received.
<http://t.ymlp94.net/ushataemysjavausuakamujm/click.php> God, religion,
history, and I are fervently advocating for the swift and wise adoption of
technologies that we already have available in order to further our social
and political systems. God’s first words to us all, echoing out of the
Burning Bush which you are about to hear… perhaps for the first time, tell
me clearly that “*the race is not to Die Bold.
<http://t.ymlp94.net/ushataemysjavausuakamujm/click.php>”* It’s a clear
chastisement of our adoption of technology related to voting, and a call to
think about universal voting, and how the internet and true democracy (sans
representatives) might be the*will of God, and you.*

In the videos that come, I hope to open your eyes; I have seen the Burning
Bush and you are about to witness it also. This event has been thoroughly
described in scripture, and the realization that the Day of the Lord has
come and gone might be surprising at first, I hope you will have an open
mind. Through the actualization of this prophesy, and the linguistic
examples that are strewn all over my book I am providing evidence of God’s
existence. It also links religion and time travel at the hip, as they have
always truly been. Learning this truth is a big part of the Exodus from

   - And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the
   Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. Revelation 1:20
   - Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all
   the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on
   the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. Matthew 24:30
   - But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the
   which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements
   shall melt with fervent heat .. 2 Peter 3:10

Exodus and George W. Bush kindled a Holy Fire *this past Ash Wednesday* as
an email similar to this went out to thousands of people like you… who
didn’t have the benefit of this video:

*YouTube/The Light of the Son
<http://t.ymlp94.net/uswacaemysjafausuavamujm/click.php> (it’s a good one,
it might floor you.)*

In that video you will find “proof” that ancient scripture has been talking
about 9/11 for thousands of years. Bush himself quotes Ecclesiastes
*9:11* paired
with Revelation *20:1 (that’s 9:11/20:1)* during his inaugural address,
which answered an ancient prophesy given in Revelation *1:20 *(that’s the
day of his inauguration in 2001) speaking about Christ returning with a
mystery. I’ve got a pretty detailed LinkedIn Pulse article which details
the solution to said mystery here: http://bit.ly/1OURAzJ

*My name is Adam Marshall Dobrin*, and I was born on December 8, 1980. This
date is special to the world, and you don’t even know it. It is the date of
the Catholic Feast of the Immaculate Conception, and you might remember
this particular occurrence of it as *the day the music died (I mean John
Lennon).* Today, I hope to rekindle the fire that burns in the heart of
Heaven and remind the world that God is speaking to us and through us, in

In *What if God was one of Us*?, Joan Osborne sings that he might be a
slob, like one of us. It could just be a joke about the moniker “messiah”
being akin to messy, but with the addition of the date of the Immaculate
Conception it gives a whole new meaning to several other words. Born clean
as a whistle all those years ago, my birth sign happens to be the key to
the “L” of the word Holy, the “T” of the word Christ, and a reminder of how
God is speaking through “Names,” which happens to be the Hebrew name for
the book of Exodus. There’s a whole lot of reasoning behind the name of God
in ancient Hebrew being “El” and the successive signs of the stars that
bring us from Saturn to Venus and Mars and then finally to the sign of
Sagittarius to yield the once odd picture you see here. It’s about Hooty
and the Blowfish–and again, how our modern music is being influenced to
tell us a story. (more? WHY.LAMC.LA

[image: image] <http://t.ymlp94.net/usyaaaemysjadausuaaamujm/click.php>

Holy, Holy.. “Holy” is a name. It ties the “t” you see above to the Cross,
and the end of the word “Christ.” In one of many prescient allusions to
modern computing, that name too is part of this Revelation.

The Apocalypse is about a Revelation, one that shows us that ancient
scripture is definitively written for us today… in 2016. In the first
chapter of the book of Genesis, we have a message from God, one which
declares the holiness of our *whole sea*, the multitude of Revelation which
is the*Blood of Christ*. That’s a reference to the First Plague of Egypt,
which might just be a *blessing in disguise* when it turns the holy sea to
Family… God’s family. http://bit.ly/24EodNH

To the tune of Imagine Dragons, “This is it, the Apocalypse,” this.. is it:
<http://t.ymlp94.net/uuuaraemysjafausuadamujm/click.php> From the Ancient
of Days himself, the secrets to the very first days of Creation.

*This is it, the Apocalypse. The secrets of Genesis, Revelation and
Nostradamus’ seas… for the Holy Sea to see.
<http://t.ymlp94.net/uueazaemysjacausuafamujm/click.php> from Adam Marshall
Dobrin <http://t.ymlp94.net/uumaxaemysjacausuacamujm/click.php> on Vimeo

I don’t want to inundate you with too much information right now, but
there’s plenty more to read at my online interactive book, at www.lamc.la
<http://t.ymlp94.net/uubadaemysjadausuaoamujm/click.php> You should also
find plenty of contact information at the end the Introduction. You will
also find a huge number of linguistic examples of words in my book. These
words are ancient, from before the evolution of English, and yet many of
them contain references to not only English but to themes and concepts that
are decidedly about our time. This is God’s way of showing us the truth,
this truth is etched in history forever. *He exists.* Ha: ha.lamc.la
<http://t.ymlp94.net/uuhaaaemysjavausuanamujm/click.php>I am the
lamb.lamc.la <http://t.ymlp94.net/uuwataemysjafausuaiamujm/click.php>
This is Eden.

For thousands of years, the true pronunciation of the Ineffable Name of *the
First and the Last _has been a great mystery too. In Hebrew, the name is
often spoken as just “Ha’shem,” which means “The Name.” Here, I show you
how it’s pretty obvious that it’s about the first man, and the Last
Adam–answering a question that didn’t make much sense until America got
here to fulfill the ancient prophesy of being the Promised Land. Dr. Seuss,
Taylor Momsen, and Al Pacino assist in the revelation that the_ineffable* has
always been about the *shem* of Adam in Eden.

I hope you are ready.
<http://t.ymlp94.net/uuqacaemysjafausuakamujm/click.php>  it's the
Ineffable.. it's Adam!*

The name is “YAHUA,” and it’s because of the name of our planet in Hebrew.
“Yeshua” confirms… as “Yes, who-ah?” For more on “Holy Names” and secret
codes, like Jesus being J “is” Us, visit The Tower of Babel.
<http://t.ymlp94.net/uuyaiaemysjapausuaramujm/click.php> I really like this
video, and “Taylor-Who.”

Religiously, *this is a big deal.* To America, it’s a bigger deal.
*Who-ah?* Welcome
to Adamah… Earth in Hebrew. (

Jokes aside, I know the world needs this.

It would help if you would send this information to others also, I’d really
appreciate it.

If you want to see me “talk and stuff,” I make an appearance in *this
video: *On YouTube Adam talks about 9/11

Sometime soon I will probably make a video explaining all of this, but for
now maybe it would be fun to treat it like a riddle, or a mystery. Within
this video are all 7 of the elements which solve the puzzle of Revelation
1:20, correlating them to the first 7 planets. I’ll give you Hg and U.. to
show you that it’s really the intention of that mystery to be solved in
this way.

Even Sherlock Holmes agrees, It’s Elementary, my dear What-son…

Here’s some more movies if you are into that sort of thing. The message is
a little less clear, but I hope you will understand that I am pointing out
that God is speaking through our culture–through music and movies. To me,
the contents of these videos are the Word.
The Dawn of the Age of
Sagittarius: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TO9OsSazQ0s

Do you want me to come?  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXc4jgUJEko

Finally, some more linguistic stuff that answers the question “YAD,” it’s
the Hand of God.

[image: yad? ADonIS AND ADonAi]

Don't want to get any more emails from Jesus?  OK, help me avoid the
darkness by not doing something that would keep otherse from being able to
see this message, though.  I hope you understand, killing the light is a
choice... and Hell is an avoidable destination.  The light ends the
darkness, do you understand?
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