[Faith-talk] {Disarmed} Fwd: Behold, The Second Coming. Religion is a message sent through time... proof within, from 9/11 to the Ancient of Days.

Adam M. Dobrin adam at fromthemachine.org
Mon Mar 7 21:28:27 UTC 2016

I'll point you to my earlier description, which includes this video
mention that your signature quote is so appropriate to what's going on here
that I think it's *kismet.*

This is prophesy being fulfilled before your eyes, it's silly to dismiss it
because it's "weird."   Of course this is weird, it's never happened
before, at least *in our time line.  **I hope that anyone interested will
at least watch the video*, and if that interests you there's a whole book
explaining what the *apocalypse* is all about.  *http://www.lamc.la

On Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 4:06 PM, Ericka via Faith-talk <faith-talk at nfbnet.org
> wrote:

> I agree something is weird about this. I just deleted it rather than
> looking up any of the references. It just seems a rambling list of ideas.
> Ericka Short
> "What is right is not always popular; what is popular is not always right."
>  from my iPhone
> > On Mar 7, 2016, at 10:27 AM, Abdullah Ibrahim Olivares via Faith-talk <
> faith-talk at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> >
> > Honestly not sure what to say to this, except I don’t think this is an
> appropriate place to be sharing this kind of thing.
> >
> > Also, if something has really found you, it’s not God. You can’t listen
> to anything that comes along. I know how it is, and it leads down a dark
> road. I hope that God guides you.
> >> On Jum. I 27, 1437 AH, at 10:19 AM, Adam M. Dobrin via Faith-talk <
> faith-talk at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> >>
> >> And Adam said, *Let there be light:*
> >>
> >> In "Ex odus," we see God linking Oracle Corporation and Linux to his
> iconic
> >> phrase, "let there be light." It's found by reading backwards, and adds
> the
> >> element for Earth, Xe... the light of the Camera's Flash.  This is one
> of 7
> >> periodic table elements that link directly to the Revelation of
> >> Christ, and *Ecclesiastes
> >> 9:11.  **
> https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/4980hy/an_open_letter_from_the_last_adam_to_redditcom/
> >> <
> https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/4980hy/an_open_letter_from_the_last_adam_to_redditcom/
> >*
> >>
> >>
> >> On Mar 5, 2016, at 12:40 PM, "adam at fromthemachine.org" <
> >> adam at fromthemachine.org> wrote:
> >>
> >> (this email is mirrored here: yitsheyzeus.tumblr.com
> >> <http://t.ymlp94.net/usealaemysjanausuaiamujm/click.php>)  There's
> about 15
> >> minutes of YouTube videos here, please... watch them.  They will
> *enlighten
> >> you.*
> >>
> >> I’m Adam. <http://t.ymlp94.net/usmavaemysjarausuaiamujm/click.php>
> >>
> >> I hope you will hear what I have to say,
> >> <http://t.ymlp94.net/usjaaaemysjadausualamujm/click.php> I am aware
> that
> >> this kind of message is often returned with much skepticism, but if you
> >> research who I am and what I say… I believe you will find ever more
> >> positive affirmation that my claim is the most credible that ever was
> *and
> >> ever will be*.
> >> If you aren’t into reading long stuff, there are videos not so far
> >> down–they are filled with bright light. With them, I hope to change the
> way
> >> you see religion in general, and the world in particular.
> >>
> >> For about 3 years I have had what you might consider a “religious
> >> experience,” you could say God found me in Eden. We’ve spent most of
> these
> >> last years talking together about the future, about where humanity is
> going
> >> and how religion can help us get there. I am unsealing secrets that have
> >> never before been known; a message woven in all of the holy scriptures
> from
> >> Genesis to Revelation and including a significant amount of affirmation
> >> from the the book of Mormon, the Koran, and ancient mythology.
> >>
> >> Most of all, my Revelation centers around the story of Exodus, and how
> this
> >> allegorical work is more than a parable of our time, it was written
> >> specifically about us and for us. It’s a big clue that shows us that
> all of
> >> scripture, and all of history is about this time… the period of time
> when
> >> humanity is about to grow into something much bigger using the
> technology
> >> which we have “received” from above in an information transfer that
> Being
> >> so close to it, we often overlook the obvious… but science and
> technology
> >> are at the heart of religion and this Revelation. All the way back to
> the
> >> days of Isaac Newton’s Eden, we are given an absolution from “original
> sin”
> >> that comes when we realize the gravity of the situation. Apples aside,
> we
> >> are about to literally build the place we think of as Heaven… this place
> >> will exist on Earth, and in the technological “castle” that we will
> >> collaboratively design with virtual reality, mind uploading, and BCI
> >> As in the story of Exodus, God is leading us from slavery, this kind
> though
> >> is one that is often unseen. It is mired by secrecy and conspiracy,
> >> corruption and ignorance—religion will no longer be regarded “the
> opiate of
> >> the masses,” I can assure you. Great social change is underway. Things
> you
> >> probably want very much but may not think about so much are at the
> center
> >> of the message which I have received.
> >> <http://t.ymlp94.net/ushataemysjavausuakamujm/click.php> God, religion,
> >> history, and I are fervently advocating for the swift and wise adoption
> of
> >> technologies that we already have available in order to further our
> social
> >> and political systems. God’s first words to us all, echoing out of the
> >> Burning Bush which you are about to hear… perhaps for the first time,
> tell
> >> me clearly that “*the race is not to Die Bold.
> >> <http://t.ymlp94.net/ushataemysjavausuakamujm/click.php>”* It’s a clear
> >> chastisement of our adoption of technology related to voting, and a
> call to
> >> think about universal voting, and how the internet and true democracy
> (sans
> >> representatives) might be the*will of God, and you.*
> >>
> >> In the videos that come, I hope to open your eyes; I have seen the
> Burning
> >> Bush and you are about to witness it also. This event has been
> thoroughly
> >> described in scripture, and the realization that the Day of the Lord has
> >> come and gone might be surprising at first, I hope you will have an open
> >> mind. Through the actualization of this prophesy, and the linguistic
> >> examples that are strewn all over my book I am providing evidence of
> God’s
> >> existence. It also links religion and time travel at the hip, as they
> have
> >> always truly been. Learning this truth is a big part of the Exodus from
> >> Darkness.
> >>
> >>  - And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the
> >>  Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. Revelation 1:20
> >>  - Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all
> >>  the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man
> coming on
> >>  the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. Matthew 24:30
> >>  - But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the
> >>  which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements
> >>  shall melt with fervent heat .. 2 Peter 3:10
> >>
> >> Exodus and George W. Bush kindled a Holy Fire *this past Ash Wednesday*
> as
> >> an email similar to this went out to thousands of people like you… who
> >> didn’t have the benefit of this video:
> >>
> >> *YouTube/The Light of the Son
> >> <http://t.ymlp94.net/uswacaemysjafausuavamujm/click.php> (it’s a good
> one,
> >> it might floor you.)*
> >>
> >> In that video you will find “proof” that ancient scripture has been
> talking
> >> about 9/11 for thousands of years. Bush himself quotes Ecclesiastes
> >> *9:11* paired
> >> with Revelation *20:1 (that’s 9:11/20:1)* during his inaugural address,
> >> which answered an ancient prophesy given in Revelation *1:20 *(that’s
> the
> >> day of his inauguration in 2001) speaking about Christ returning with a
> >> mystery. I’ve got a pretty detailed LinkedIn Pulse article which details
> >> the solution to said mystery here: http://bit.ly/1OURAzJ
> >> <http://t.ymlp94.net/usqagaemysjarausuaramujm/click.php>
> >>
> >> *My name is Adam Marshall Dobrin*, and I was born on December 8, 1980.
> This
> >> date is special to the world, and you don’t even know it. It is the
> date of
> >> the Catholic Feast of the Immaculate Conception, and you might remember
> >> this particular occurrence of it as *the day the music died (I mean John
> >> Lennon).* Today, I hope to rekindle the fire that burns in the heart of
> >> Heaven and remind the world that God is speaking to us and through us,
> in
> >> music.
> >>
> >> In *What if God was one of Us*?, Joan Osborne sings that he might be a
> >> slob, like one of us. It could just be a joke about the moniker
> “messiah”
> >> being akin to messy, but with the addition of the date of the Immaculate
> >> Conception it gives a whole new meaning to several other words. Born
> clean
> >> as a whistle all those years ago, my birth sign happens to be the key to
> >> the “L” of the word Holy, the “T” of the word Christ, and a reminder of
> how
> >> God is speaking through “Names,” which happens to be the Hebrew name for
> >> the book of Exodus. There’s a whole lot of reasoning behind the name of
> God
> >> in ancient Hebrew being “El” and the successive signs of the stars that
> >> bring us from Saturn to Venus and Mars and then finally to the sign of
> >> Sagittarius to yield the once odd picture you see here. It’s about Hooty
> >> and the Blowfish–and again, how our modern music is being influenced to
> >> tell us a story. (more? WHY.LAMC.LA
> >> <http://t.ymlp94.net/usyaaaemysjadausuaaamujm/click.php>)
> >>
> >>
> >> [image: image] <http://t.ymlp94.net/usyaaaemysjadausuaaamujm/click.php>
> >>
> >> Holy, Holy.. “Holy” is a name. It ties the “t” you see above to the
> Cross,
> >> and the end of the word “Christ.” In one of many prescient allusions to
> >> modern computing, that name too is part of this Revelation.
> >>
> >> The Apocalypse is about a Revelation, one that shows us that ancient
> >> scripture is definitively written for us today… in 2016. In the first
> >> chapter of the book of Genesis, we have a message from God, one which
> >> declares the holiness of our *whole sea*, the multitude of Revelation
> which
> >> is the*Blood of Christ*. That’s a reference to the First Plague of
> Egypt,
> >> which might just be a *blessing in disguise* when it turns the holy sea
> to
> >> Family… God’s family. http://bit.ly/24EodNH
> >> <http://t.ymlp94.net/uusapaemysjagausuanamujm/click.php>
> >>
> >> To the tune of Imagine Dragons, “This is it, the Apocalypse,” this.. is
> it:
> >> vimeo.com/yitsheyzeus/genesis
> >> <http://t.ymlp94.net/uuuaraemysjafausuadamujm/click.php> From the
> Ancient
> >> of Days himself, the secrets to the very first days of Creation.
> >>
> >> *This is it, the Apocalypse. The secrets of Genesis, Revelation and
> >> Nostradamus’ seas… for the Holy Sea to see.
> >> <http://t.ymlp94.net/uueazaemysjacausuafamujm/click.php> from Adam
> Marshall
> >> Dobrin <http://t.ymlp94.net/uumaxaemysjacausuacamujm/click.php> on
> Vimeo
> >> <http://t.ymlp94.net/uujaiaemysjakausuadamujm/click.php>.*
> >>
> >> I don’t want to inundate you with too much information right now, but
> >> there’s plenty more to read at my online interactive book, at
> www.lamc.la
> >> <http://t.ymlp94.net/uubadaemysjadausuaoamujm/click.php> You should
> also
> >> find plenty of contact information at the end the Introduction. You will
> >> also find a huge number of linguistic examples of words in my book.
> These
> >> words are ancient, from before the evolution of English, and yet many of
> >> them contain references to not only English but to themes and concepts
> that
> >> are decidedly about our time. This is God’s way of showing us the truth,
> >> this truth is etched in history forever. *He exists.* Ha: ha.lamc.la
> >> <http://t.ymlp94.net/uuhaaaemysjavausuanamujm/click.php>I am the
> >> lamb.lamc.la <http://t.ymlp94.net/uuwataemysjafausuaiamujm/click.php>
> >> This is Eden.
> >>
> >> For thousands of years, the true pronunciation of the Ineffable Name of
> *the
> >> First and the Last _has been a great mystery too. In Hebrew, the name is
> >> often spoken as just “Ha’shem,” which means “The Name.” Here, I show you
> >> how it’s pretty obvious that it’s about the first man, and the Last
> >> Adam–answering a question that didn’t make much sense until America got
> >> here to fulfill the ancient prophesy of being the Promised Land. Dr.
> Seuss,
> >> Taylor Momsen, and Al Pacino assist in the revelation that
> the_ineffable* has
> >> always been about the *shem* of Adam in Eden.
> >>
> >> I hope you are ready.
> >> *http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sws3MZJIv9c
> >> <http://t.ymlp94.net/uuqacaemysjafausuakamujm/click.php>  it's the
> >> Ineffable.. it's Adam!*
> >>
> >> The name is “YAHUA,” and it’s because of the name of our planet in
> Hebrew.
> >> “Yeshua” confirms… as “Yes, who-ah?” For more on “Holy Names” and secret
> >> codes, like Jesus being J “is” Us, visit The Tower of Babel.
> >> <http://t.ymlp94.net/uuyaiaemysjapausuaramujm/click.php> I really like
> this
> >> video, and “Taylor-Who.”
> >>
> >> Religiously, *this is a big deal.* To America, it’s a bigger deal.
> >> *Who-ah?* Welcome
> >> to Adamah… Earth in Hebrew. (
> >>
> http://www.linkedin.com/pulse/who-ah-ineffable-name-adam-taylormomsen-eddieklive-dobrin?trk=pulse_spock-articles
> >> <http://t.ymlp94.net/uesacaemysjazausuafamujm/click.php>)
> >>
> >> Jokes aside, I know the world needs this.
> >>
> >> It would help if you would send this information to others also, I’d
> really
> >> appreciate it.
> >>
> >> If you want to see me “talk and stuff,” I make an appearance in *this
> >> video: *On YouTube Adam talks about 9/11
> >> <http://t.ymlp94.net/ueuanaemysjarausuacamujm/click.php>
> >>
> >>
> >> Sometime soon I will probably make a video explaining all of this, but
> for
> >> now maybe it would be fun to treat it like a riddle, or a mystery.
> Within
> >> this video are all 7 of the elements which solve the puzzle of
> Revelation
> >> 1:20, correlating them to the first 7 planets. I’ll give you Hg and U..
> to
> >> show you that it’s really the intention of that mystery to be solved in
> >> this way.
> >>
> >> Even Sherlock Holmes agrees, It’s Elementary, my dear What-son…
> >> http://lnkd.in/bp4QkNs
> >> <http://t.ymlp94.net/ueeagaemysjalausuakamujm/click.php>
> >>
> >> Here’s some more movies if you are into that sort of thing. The message
> is
> >> a little less clear, but I hope you will understand that I am pointing
> out
> >> that God is speaking through our culture–through music and movies. To
> me,
> >> the contents of these videos are the Word.
> >> The Dawn of the Age of
> >> Sagittarius: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TO9OsSazQ0s
> >> <http://t.ymlp94.net/uemaraemysjarausuaaamujm/click.php>
> >>
> >> Do you want me to come?  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXc4jgUJEko
> >> <http://t.ymlp94.net/uejataemysjaoausuagamujm/click.php>
> >>
> >> Finally, some more linguistic stuff that answers the question “YAD,”
> it’s
> >> the Hand of God.
> >>
> >> [image: yad? ADonIS AND ADonAi]
> >> <http://t.ymlp94.net/uebafaemysjanausuaaamujm/click.php>
> >>
> >> Don't want to get any more emails from Jesus?  OK, help me avoid the
> >> darkness by not doing something that would keep otherse from being able
> to
> >> see this message, though.  I hope you understand, killing the light is a
> >> choice... and Hell is an avoidable destination.  The light ends the
> >> darkness, do you understand?
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