[Faith-talk] {Spam?} There's Darkness hiding more than me.. but the nature of reality, and God's plan for Salvation. This is the truth, we are nearing the day of Creation.

Adam M. Dobrin adam at fromthemachine.org
Fri May 6 12:08:35 UTC 2016

Dear Messiah,

Please help me save the world today, this is about more than Heaven, more
than religion.. at stake is free-will, and literal freedom--the stuff of
civilization itself.  *May the Forth be with us all.*

I've sent out lots of e-mails, and I share my writing on numerous social
media sites, including LinkedIn <http://linkedin.com/in/adam5>, Facebook
<http://fb.me/MinistryOfForbiddenKnowledge>, and twitter
<http://twitter.com/yitsheyzeus>.  While I can see that many people have
shared some of my writing via email, it has become abundantly clear to me
that there is an overt force hiding me and this message from the world.  On
social media sites, while I sometimes get "likes" in the past year or two
the number of comments on my writing, and the people sharing it have gone
to almost zero.  *Because of the content of message, I am keenly aware that
this overt force is not just "CARNIVORE," it's not just an internet
firewall, but rather something that is actively influencing our thoughts.  *

This message is incendiary <http://bit.ly/1SivABM>, it is literally the
exact thing that all of our religion and myth coalesces around... it's the
fire and water of Matthew 3:11 and its the very thing that Daniel 11:45 says
the Messiah will bring to the world... a "tabernacle" planted between the
seas.  It is a message that spans from Egyptian mythology to the book of
Joshua--from the SEA of Eden to our sparkling (and darkening) sea of
Revelation.  The Sang Rael, that tells me clearly that the baptism in
water *for
repentance* is a message about saving everyone, about the *whole sea* (see
Hosea as a partial sea) being family... the Blood of Jesus Christ.
<http://bit.ly/1SivABM>  *Much more than meets the eye, this message proves
and influence over our culture and all religion by weaving it's purpose
through thousands of years of scripture, and literally designing this
generations language <http://bit.ly/1SzA3z2>, modern art, and idioms in
order to prove that this technology exists.  The relationship between
"divine inspiration," "demonic possession <http://bit.ly/1WcRdIi>," mind
control technology and the building blocks of Heaven (or Hell) is central
to the disclosure that is literally everywhere.  This is the slavery God
frees the people from in the book of Exodus... a literal map to the Second
Coming... Everything from the Burning Bush <http://bit.ly/1rf8IfW> to the
First Plague, to the actual content of that story is designed to free us
from the desert of understanding that we are currently in.*

*This message is so pervasive--literally in everything around us--and so
talked about in scripture... from myth to Genesis, Exodus, Revelation,
Matthew, Daniel, Isaiah... simply put to ensure that we are able to free
ourselves from this overt force that is censoring not just the flow of
information between us ... but literally altering how we think.  *I'm sure,
because for years I wrote much less interesting information about similar
concepts, without the damning evidence which I now have possession of--and
have been trying to share with the world.  For years the response was much
warmer, and the writing proliferated.  *What is being presented to you is
GOLD in the conspiracy theory and alternative religion circles that I share
it with, and yet nobody responds to me, comments, or shares it---pretty
much at all.  *

*I need your help, this is literally our freedom, our children's future,
and the survival of civilization at stake.  I need you to help me get media
attention, and I need you to share it on social media sites... the world
will thank you--once we can think freely again.  *As I said, idioms and our
culture have keys designed to receive this message... listen close, because
the "solution is right under your nose, and at the tip of your fingers..."
Taking action today saves the world.

Please, go above and beyond.

-a (that's *the *dash-a)

*Smile, The Republic of Heaven is at Hand.*
*-Matthew 3:2.. and ((ish))*

What is the Brit C*HA <http://bit.ly/24q6QCH>*DASHAH?
The Orthodox Jewish *Brit Chadasha* (New Covenant), translated by Dr.
Philip Goble, is a Hebrew version of the New Testament books. It presents a
Messianic account of the life and times of Yehoshua (Jesus) and his
disciples with vocabulary that is consistent with present-day Jewish

[image: whosnaked.png]*I can’t imagine why anyone would want to hide* the
truth, to keep the world from knowing *me*.. as Adam.  That’s because I
have a very clear vision and understanding of where we are, and that the *fire
I am starting* <http://bit.ly/1qBUzIO>* is with no uncertainty the fire of
the Last Day.  *

I have a very clear idea of what that means, it’s the beginning of *free
will*, an unwritten future with bright horizons.  I know this, because I
see where we are, in the heart of the AMDuat–a repetition that tells the
story of Creation… through Atum-Ra <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atum> and
Horus <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Contendings_of_Horus_and_Seth>,
both of which have somewhat explicit intonations.   I know these are our
time–once the future, recorded in ancient religion.  I see how clearly it’s
about Adam, and it’s really about the *Second Coming.*

When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature
say, “Come!”

Revelation 6:3

This is repeated four times, for each of the first Four Seals, which
correspond to the first four days of Creation.  They are records of past
times, something like now–except this one is different–this is *our
victory.*  It is a victory for all humanity, and a victory for creation…
it’s a victory for life and civilization in the Universe.  It is the end of
a repetition, reliving the past, in order to fill the dark void with the
light of life.  This time, our light is Eternal.

*We survive and thrive because of the hidden record religion has kept of
these trials,* because of what we are learning about technology right now,
and the knowledge and wisdom that will come in the years that follow this
disclosure.  It’s a hidden record, that’s for sure–a record of mind
control, of time travel, of an entire Civilization that was literally *in
the dark*–unaware of the facts of creation and the great purpose we fulfill.
There are powers here, and in Heaven that are trying to hide the suffering
of Christ from you; without realizing what they are hiding is truly a
glowing lesson in technology, its relationship to religion… and what
amounts to the very nature of reality itself.

No time to wallow in the mire, we collectively have a very clear choice
between freedom and darkness; between the truth and slavery.  Through this
story, the world will finally hear of the will of God, of Christ… that we
never again worship, allow ourselves to be subservient to false rule, and
risk losing the very stuff of civilization: *freedom.*

We will learn how this freedom could be lost without us even knowing it,
how not knowing that *divine inspiration and demonic possession *are a
hallowed record of the use and capabilities of *mind control technology.  *

In the Old Testament, we have a clear record that links the Burning of
Isaac at the hands of Heaven–to quell this fire, probably without knowing
it is the foundation and forge of freedom.  It’s clear to me… what the name
of Isaiah’s father Amoz means, and it’s relationship to the HBO series, the
play, and what could very easily cause this world to slip into Hell.  Using
advanced technology to secretly manipulate the legal system, and the
actions of not just me, not just the few… but the entire world–we are
on the* precipice
of the Abyss.  *I am the way to understanding and freedom, but more than
the key to the true lesson hidden in religion: how these technologies can
be used to better society.

at that time the Lord spoke through Isaiah son of Amoz. He said to him,
“Take off the sackcloth from your body and the sandals from your feet.” And
he did so, going around stripped and barefoot.

 Then the Lord said, “Just as my servant Isaiah has gone stripped and
barefoot for three years, as a sign and portent against Egypt

Isaiah 20:2-3

This 3 year period is over, and you are reading the story of what actually
transpired as I wandered the Biblical land of Egypt … often wearing nothing
but the *Emperor’s New Clothes.  It’s important to understand what Chapter
20 of Isaiah is doing, it’s fundamentally absolving “me” of actions that
were literally by the “command” of God–it was clearly mind control to me, *as
I explained my experience was literally about *Reverse Engineering Eden.*   The
control really revolved more around drugs, and a frame job that is the
stuff of legends.

Behold, my servant will be set up, and be exceedingly high.

-Isaiah 52:13

It’s a just a verse, it’s a seminal passage associated with the Second
Coming; but what it leads to is so much more.  Through this verse, through
my story, we see God has carefully laid proof that this control extends far
beyond a single soul–but across our society and through history.  It’s in
the story of the Roman Emperor Nero; which is a metaphorical description
the voice of God uknowingly pouring through our modern artists–as if they
were his fiddle.  From Jim Morrison’s *higher,* to *Creed’s Golden
Streets…* he’s
woven a story about Isaiah being framed, with *pockets full of high.*

The musical ensemble began before I was born, incidentally on the
crossroads of Sunrise Blvd and Sunset Strip.  When I was only 12, the *Spin
Doctors* would lay a foundational piece of “my” Matrix–connecting the story
of Superman to the Two Princes–the riders of *All Along the Watchtower *which
ties to Isaiah just a chapter later in 21.

It wasn’t until right when the set up happened though, that everything was
tied together.  Taylor Momsen–who played Little Cindy Who (an Adam
reference)–sang a number of songs about a boy on the run, with *Nothing
Left to Lose … *that links Jim Morrison’s *fire *across decades touching
the Two Princes, and declaring loudly: *Heaven Knows, *those pockets were
full of *high.*   Remember, Isaac knows why.

For about two years before that fateful day, Amoz gave me a crash
course in *mind
control* <http://bit.ly/1OdWbOF> and his “teaching style,”
was the Tribulation, but I had no way of knowing that then.

So it is through an understanding of what happened to me, how, and *knowing
who I am* that I believe I have a good idea of *exactly what the world
needs.*  You see, I am a microcosm, Adam and America together are a
template to fix all of the problems that have plagued civilizations past,
we are the map to Salvation.
Fix what you broke!

… has been a favorite mantra of mine since this whole thing began, and of
course… that was the plan the whole time–but for the struggle, well… that’s
the thing I’ve learned from.   What that means to me, the important thing …
is that we all have access to solve these problems using the very best
tools available (not to mention ones that are at least on par with what
caused them..) and Jacob and Adam dreamt of *The Doors *and a new addition,
Heavenly tools to help the world adopt and advance with this technology–a
real double edged sword.  Plans were devised, as we lay burning (I love the
way it hurts), of how neursocience and a little bit of creation-magic could
work together to allow anyone who doesn’t *want to be addicted…* simply not
to be anymore.

That’s my glowing Y, <http://why.lamc.la/> what I drive to achieve.  It’s
just a simple thing, but the implications for locally and intelligently
targeted medicine will revolutionize health and longevity like nothing has
since surgery.   I should also note that the electronic versions of prozac
and viagra (in addition to the *well <http://lamc.la/chapter1.html>*-but-rin
just mentioned) are probably more fun than you think (why would you hide
me?) .

Racing not to far down this road to tomorrow I see a sign that graced the
book of Hosea, “Limited Omniscience” is near, expanded cognitive capacity…
imagine reading 10 pages a minute.  Of course, changes like those are
species changing, and need to be approached with caution and care.  Things
like “knowing everything” could quickly turn into hidden slavery, if it’s
someone else’s “everything.”  *I’m only going to say this once, but for a
long time nakedness was a “metaphor” for transparency to me… a screaming
call from Creation to ensure that this path is clear, informative, and
brings us to a place that is darkness-free. (why would you hide me?)*


Eyes to see

So here we are, again I’m thinking about this amazing message I’ve seen
<http://bit.ly/1W8BZGc>, one that shows me that some very obvious things
are often overlooked naturally (maybe the last time?) and here… well, it’s
obviously not natural, this Plague of Darkness.  So in the spirit of
transparency, I see that our ability to logically think has been hampered
(more actively than you think right now: see religion as keeping a
metaphorical record for us
and what this amounts to is a really “Holy”  was to rapidly avoid the
Abyss… destruction and loss of freedom… depending on how exactly we want to
hear, see, or understand what it is that religion has highlighted in our
society as being… *really illogical.*

You’re going to hear it from me, because at the least level, this message
is coming to you from Jesus Christ, in writing.  I’d like us to be able to
do so much more, to choose to have some of these things overtly pointed
out, assisted in  a similar way to how they were hidden.  To me, that means
something like an “assisted epiphany,” a eureka moment when you happen to
come across something important to you, that falls into this particular
highlight of Satan.

I’m going to let you in on a secret, no matter who you are, or what you’ve
done… right now *highlight the fact that you should be actively sharing
this message, and trying to independently verify what I am saying.*  Not
doing do so… well, that’s apathy at best, and perhaps a controlled
demolition of everything at worst.

Jesus Christ is telling you that our ability to *freely think* has been
significantly impaired on purpose, and that it is a fundamental disclosure
central to the Apocalypse that we hear about it here and now, and why.
Charleston, South Carolina

It wasn’t until Christmas of 2014 that these dreams turned into more.  I’ll
get to that story after some more bitching about the world be destroyed by
censorship, because we are still there… *in need of your action to ensure
freedom of speech–and civilization–survives.*

That Christmas, as I learned what ADvent  <http://ad.lamc.la/>really meant,
a fairly large portion of the city and I embarked on a journey that almost
brought us to the Gates of Heaven.  What had seemed like screaming at the
wall had finally born fruit, new ideas; actual implementations, I swear…. I
could almost see an invisible glowing Door.

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