[Faith-talk] {Spam?} U.S immigration

Mostafa mostafa.almahdy at gmail.com
Tue May 24 05:52:40 UTC 2016

Dear prestigious recipients, peace and blessings.

Immigration to the United States was and still a tremendous ambition for many people around the world.

Recently, U.S officials started to complain about the crisis of what they call illegal immigration, intending to put pause.

Well, if you wouldn’t mind folks, I may have a standpoint on this.

The United States was found 242 years ago.

Each and everyone in this country is actually an immigrant.

Unfortunately, your great grandfathers viciously enslaved and brutally murdered  original habitants.

They exterminated them    by genocide and unethical maltreatment. 

Subsequently, they forcefully settled there and then, claimed genuine inhabitance.

If people forget, history doesn’t.

I think we desperately demand to critically reconsider what the United States stands for.

This country has been constantly claiming human rights, equality, substantiality and unparalleled liberty.

Well, it may look so pleasant ostensibly but practically, it plainly doesn’t.

        The claim that the United States resembles unrivaled justice is demonstratively fallacious.

U.S immigration policy is   intemperately susceptible.

    It doesn’t stand for anything reliable.

I really feel sorry for those who chase acquiring U.S citizenship.

They leave everything behind them to chase a fog, what a disarray.

  I believe that the United States is the biggest deceit in human history.

It looks so bright from its outward surface, but inwardly it is heavily distorted.

I am not particularly in favour of those who tend to americanise their character to be recognised.

I stridently oppose altering identity for this.

The United States demands international prosecuting authority to determine its controversially leading stance.  

The settlement of the United States was essentially based on larceny and fraudulence.

This is why getting permanent U.S citizenship is so easy, because it actually doesn’t belong to them.

Their great grandfathers stoled it.

Therefore, it is unremarkably convenient for them to smoothly pass it on to others.

Why acquiring permanent citizenship in the UK is so complicated?

Because they genuinely believe they are the actual possessors of this land.

They won’t ever grand their citizenship to someone who was simply born there.

The United States gives instant citizenship to newly born individuals, even if they haven’t spent couple of weeks in the country.

This policy is resultant of how this country were initially found.

  Further amazingly, the United States calls for restricting immigration now.

That is tremendously preposterous.

How could you possibly restrict immigration while you all are really immigrants in the first place?

I won’t hypocritically endorse the United States for its theft and savagery.

New generations are perfectly unaware of how their country was found.

I highly encourage them to read about American history and let’s forget whatever you were told in typical history textbooks at school.

  Reality bites, but truth is truth.

I am not attempting to sound assaultive by this.

I just intend to put everything in the proper position.

I never hated the United States for what it stands for.

The United States declaration of independence and the constitution, both are considered good example for contemporary democracy.

The problem  however, that the United States doesn’t sufficiently stand for what it claims.

There is considerable racism and cultural manipulation in the country.

I call sensible and just Americans to act quickly regarding proposing proper immigration reform.

At its inception, you ought to suspend permitting the use of hate rhetoric in the name of counterfeit free speech.

Second, please, open the boundaries for your kids.

Let them be sufficiently exposed to various cultures and traditions.

The United States is enormously insulated.

When people migrate to the U.S, they don’t find many cultures to communicate through.

They forcefully are melted into one culture, which is Americanisation.

Americanisation is assimilation into American character, essence, culture, entity and identity.  

I don’t oppose American culture wholely.

I permeate its factors, I approve reciprocal principles and I decline infringing concepts.

This post hasn’t intended to be thorough.

I just wanted to express my opinion regarding U.S immigration, people immigrating to the U.S.

I hope you may earnestly consider this proposition.

If you really want to positively reconcile with the rest of the world, you may open your boundaries and let cultures be independently represented, instead of melting them all into your culture.

You ought to decease prejudice and slanting, if you truly want to communicate with the rest of the world.

I  believe in highly potential American reconciliation with the rest of the world, only if most American were like   Alison Mueller, my American Mormon friend.

She resides in Utah.

 she is polite, respectful, interculturally involved, quite friendly, intellectually distinguished, devout and well, truly American as applepie, J.

Warm regards from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia


Best wishes.

It's always hope that gives meaning to life.


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