[Faith-talk] Quotes for Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Paul Smith paulsmith at samobile.net
Wed Oct 26 11:27:05 UTC 2016

Hello and greetings to you all on this hump day, just another name for 
the middle day of the week.  I hope that all is going well with you 
all, by God's matchless grace and His providential care.

Here are today's two quotes for your consideration, pondering and reflection.

The distinction between following Christ and all other systems of 
religion consists largely in this:  that in these others, men are found 
seeking after God, while Christ is God seeking after men.  author unknown

Jesus didn't promise to exempt us from the storms.  He promised to join 
us in them.

And there you have it for today's quotes, but stay tuned because, later 
on in this space will be a timely piece of literature that hopefully 
you will all enjoy.  Until then or until tomorrow morning when, Lord 
willing more quotes will be posted, I am your obedient servant of the 
One who lived an earthly existence, died to pay for your sins and mine, 
and now lives forever to bring us His salvation and peace, Oil of Gladness.

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