[Faith-talk] {Spam?} The United States and religious isms and a brief on Hope City, the place where I work and our positive attitude

Mostafa Almahdy mostafa.almahdy at gmail.com
Thu Sep 8 01:26:55 UTC 2016

The United States of America is a strange country. It is filled with
numerous ethnicities and isms. Some people consider this one of its
advantages. Well actually, it is a major disadvantage of this country.
It is the region where dissident doctrines sprang up. In this country,
for instance, the Mormon faith was found by Joseph Smith, the man who
founded the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It is
considered a heretical denomination by most Christians today. In this
review, I will inshallah talk about a fringe element that developed in
the States. It counterfeitly carried the banner of Islam. It was the
Nation of Islam. The Nation of Islam was a group of militant Black
Americans who fallaciously,  professed Islamic religious beliefs and
advocated independence for Black Americans (1897-1975). It was a
racialist and nationalistic movement. The first time I encountered
with this cult was when a Muslim from the States asked me about them.
I then did not know what the Nation of Islam was, I had to look it up.
I was taken aback of what I found. I found an otiose cult that
fervently, preached  in the name of Islam whilst it was the farthest
from its injunctions. When Eisenhower was president, African Americans
could have not imbibed from the same fountains of White Americans. So
it seems that this sort of ethnically exhibiting and corrupt religious
movement erupted as a racial reaction to suppressive white supremacy
which for a long time and still , accompanies American social
structure. (Elijah Muhammad) was a Leader of Black Muslims who
campaigned for independence of Black Americans. The question here is,
has the racial crisis in the States been infinitely eliminated? The
recent racial incidents of Baton Rouge and other towns profoundly
prove that the racial crisis surpasses its developing phases in early
periods. The United States claims strict devotion to equal treatment
of various ethnicities. Hitherto, that is unproven on practical
ground. The social gap between white and black Americans continuously
widen, it exacerbates on  periodical basis. Malcolm X was a prominent
Muslim black civil right leader. He was a prominent figure in the
civil right history of America, yet they barely mention anything about
his notable biography. Malcolm X repented from complying to the Nation
of Islam after he went to Haj. On December the third of 1964 at Oxford
Union Debate and in his speech, Malcolm X called the United States a
racist society. America preaches integration and practices
segregation, he said. He saw what I precisely see today, he saw the
genuinely fragile portrait of America. Malcolm X  was viciously
assassinated in the sixties of the last century. When was Malcolm X
assassinated? On February 21, 1965, one week after his home was
firebombed, Malcolm X was shot to death by Nation of Islam members
whilst speaking at a rally of his organisation in New York City.
Racially fissiparous southerners may  derogatorily call him Malcolm
Little. That is the synonymous term which refers to his name in their
dictionaries. It does not matter how eloquently they profess equal
human rights regardless of faith or race, the question is, does it
exist? Or perhaps, should it exist? There is a growing tendency in the
States which justifies racial secernment for damnable motives.  Most
Arabs allowed themselves to be tricked, they allowed themselves to be
influenced by deceitful rhetoric of American white supremacists. The
reason for that is their interest in outbound portraitures and their
utter negligence of crucially insightful factors. Malcolm X spoke
firmly against and persistently criticized white supremacy and its
unjustified superiorly complexion. He sarcastically rhymed, “Black
hope is a joke”. If the States was not enormously dominated with
racial disparities, it would have not been worth of unstoppable
dispraise. To intemperately exercise antipathy towards someone for the
different texture of his skin is in fact a despicable disposal. Here
in Egypt, we have various crises. Either economical, educational,
medical, social and other crises. However, we don’t have such racial
crisis here. After Malcolm X went to Haj, he saw the wide tolerance of
ethnic diversity which is united and vividly reflected with faithful
fraternity. For over two hundred years, the White House remained the
house of white chiefs. Americans demonstrate their pride for electing
Obama as the first chief at the White House with different skin
colour. Well, that brought him many ordeals including doubting the
genuineness of his birth certificate and fallaciously calling him
Muslim in a preposterous attempt to asperse him out of malice. The
question is, if Obama was not a man of different skin colour, would
his reputation have been subjected  to this assaultive propaganda to
extinguish his character? I would like you to try a little comparison.
Get the pictures of (president Obama) and former Egyptian statesman
(Anwar el-Sadat).  put their pictures next to each other and watch
closely, who has got the darker skin? I think this instance would be
more than enough to end this piece of composition. The problem of
racial disparities will not be over in your country unless you
incisively recognize its critical cause. It is arrogance. I know I
said this  many times. But trust me, it has no other solution. You
must quickly quit this unnecessary sense of bluster and egocentrism,
if you unfeignedly want enforceable justice in your society. You
cannot approve your insistence to be so prideful just because, you are
Americans. We are not expected to easily tolerate your explicit
commission of unbearable aggression, just because you have got the
snowiest complexion. As I mentioned on multiple occasions, unlike many
influenced Arabs, I am not dying to even visit your glorious
territory. I would not like to even step in a country where the Second
Amendment is vastly misapprehended either deliberately or
incidentally. The Second Amendment has brutally been misused by the
(National Rifle Association) to keep its greed flow. Despite numerous
mass shootings occurring in your unendowed country, your congress is
not able to regulate gun possession because of the (National Rifle
Association) and its predominant dominance. As I said before as well,
the United States is the country where, if anyone has abundant wealth,
he could easily lead a flock of masses. It is the country where, if
someone is substantially affluent, he could do anything even run for
president though he plainly is incompetent. Do you know what is the
proper portrait to fairly equate the United States and those who are
insanely attracted to it? The United States resembles a bulb that
produces bright and unreasonably beguiling light. People who are fond
of the States are like butterflies. 	The fool butterfly is the one
which gets closer to the light more than ordinarily until it is
eventually burned. People who feel sterile are the ones to  blindly
imitate westerns and particularly Americans. At Hope City, the
domestic nursery for children with multiple challenges where I
fortunately work, either intellectual, physical or visual ones, we
independently operate the place on our own. We gratefully, do not
demand to costly pay a foreign expert. We may not have the
sophisticated technology Americans have in their similar schools but,
we proudly do everything on our own, even if our facilities are
humble, but our exertion is tremendous and our ambition is limitless.
Our motto at Hope City, “Every child deserves hope and hope is to
learn”. With our concerted team, everyone is of help for others, no
one works individually. Our standards of teamwork are the primary
cause of our prestigious reputation until it prosperously reached
broad countries in the region. We have one child from Sudan and six
children from Saudi. Hope City was born on September the seventh of
last year. So yesterday, we celebrated the first anniversary of
pioneering this edifying project. Here in Egypt, the field of special
education has been dismissively forgotten for quite a long time. At
Hope City, it is the first time to see parents of children with
multiple challenges are blessed with a candle of hope. Our curriculum
at Hope City consists of three major categories. 1. Academic,  this
segment is intended to teach them typical classes of basics of math,
language, religion, Braille for visually impaired children and so on.
2. Everyday activities. This segment is intended to teach them skills
necessary to successfully cope with everyday acts. Such as cutting
fruit and vegetable with a knife made of pure plastic, how to pore,
how to ordinarily eat with a fork or spoon without spilling over
yourself and so on. 3. Exercise activities. This segment is intended
to boost their energy, we aim to make them fresh, dynamic and healthy.
This is why everyday in the morning, they must carry on exercise to
strenghthen their bodies and freshen their minds. Punctuality is
crucial to us. Each session ought to start as it has been scheduled,
delay is not tolerated. We have a brilliant instructor of sign
language. The prettiest thing about this project, it is not
governmental, and there is no one single foreign interference. Here in
the Arab world, there are many people who are dominated with this
imbecilic notion that in order to impressively complement anything, we
have to pay expensive salaries for foreign councilers. Well,
thankfully, we do not have to do that at Hope City. Everything is
domestically produced. I do not buy this prejudice of foreign is the
best. Well, I will say good bye for now. I hope you enjoyed what you
just read. It is timely here to go to the Masjid for dawn prayer.

(Seeking knowledge is compulsory from cratle to grave because it is a
shoreless ocean.)

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