[Faith-talk] 9/27/16 Quotes, and a Repeat of How to Access My Show on cjoyinternetradio.com

Paul Smith paulsmith at samobile.net
Tue Sep 27 10:23:59 UTC 2016

Hello and greetings from yet another pleasant day here in the 
Baltimore-Washington metro area and, as I said yesterday, most probably 
in other parts of the mid-Atlantic region of the country where I live.  
Hope your day is going well, whether it's at its beginning, middle or 
end, by God's matchless grace and His providential care.

Here are today's two quotes for your consideration, pondering and reflection.

In order to really enjoy a dog, one doesn't merely try to train him to 
be semihuman.  The point is the possibility of you becoming partly a 
dog.  Edward Hoagland

If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant.  If we did 
not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.  
Anne Bradstreet (quote compiler's comment:  In other words, when we are 
going through pleasant times in our lives, whether weather-related or 
other times, let's not take them for granted, in my opinion).

And there you have today's quotes, but stay tuned as, for the last time 
today, I'm giving you instructions on how to hear this guy's radio program.

The broadcasts lasts for one hour, from 4-5 PM eastern time, or 
20:00-21:00 UTC for those of you outside North America.  If you'd just 
like to listen or don't have unlimited long-distance phone plans, go on 
the Web to
and click on the players provided.

If you are a member of the Interactive Christian Community just go to 
the CJOY internet streaming room and then simply click on the link.

And finally, if you have unlimited long distance phone plans, at least 
here in the United States and hopefully in Canada, on your phones 
access the following number:
218-548-1428 and, after a greeting to get into the virtual broadcast 
studio, enter the code Jesus which is 53787 and, if all goes well, you 
should be there.

Looking forward to your participation, whether merely as a listener or 
as a fellow broadcaster, I am your obedient servant of the One who 
lived an earthly existence, died to pay for your sins and mine, and now 
lives forever to bring us His salvation and peace, Oil of Gladness.

P.S.  I almost forgot to tell you what you will be hearing.  The name 
of the program is called "This and That," and today I will be reading 
some of Fanny Crosby's little-known poems that have not officially been 
set to music.  You all who listen or participate will enjoy a rare 
treat, as you will figuratively enter the soul of a lady who, in my 
opinion, was one of the greatest women of the 19th century in terms of 
her knowledge of the Bible.

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