[Faith-talk] Sharing a Blog

Kevin LaRose kl1964 at icloud.com
Sat Jul 22 23:55:23 UTC 2017

I know this isn't strictly blindness-related, per se, but I wanted to recommend a blog for those who enjoy reading such things, www.pastordanheld.com. He is a retired UMC pastor from Dayton, Ohio, and even though we've never met in person he has definitely become one of my spiritual mentors. His spiritual and theological viewpoint lines up pretty significantly with mine, particularly where the social gospel is concerned. Anyway, I thought his latest entry was particularly profound. I realize a lot of people reading this might not share the same viewpoints I do or he does, but I offer this recommendation in the spirit of maybe learning something of where I particularly am coming from. I'm thinking it might be time to write out my testimony again, it's been a few years since I've done that. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the blog, should you choose to partake.

Kevin LaRose
Anderson, IN
Email: kl1964 at icloud.com

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