[Faith-talk] Response to Other Posts

Linda Mentink mentink at frontiernet.net
Mon Jun 26 15:07:02 UTC 2017

Hi All,

Ericka, I'm
praying for Barb.  That's not good, and I hope she can get off 
that medication that's causing her kidneys to shut down.

Debby, David is correct about the Catholic beliefs.  Because this 
is a list for all faiths, however, we need to be careful what we 
say and how we say it.  I refrain from posting a lot for this 
very reason.  A pastor friend wrote a book on Roman Catholicism, 
in which he talks about all the false teachings and additions to 
the Bible made.  I may have sent it to you, and if so, I 
encourage you to read it.  It's a serious study, and based on 
God's Word.

Please remember, all, that when those of us who post things 
according to the Bible, it's not our opinion; it's what God's 
Word says.  It's getting harder and harder to tell the truth of 
the Bible anymore because most believe there is more than one 
truth, or that your truth is different from their truth.

I hope that all here will stay.



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