[Faith-talk] Miscellaneous

Linda Mentink mentink at frontiernet.net
Wed Jun 28 01:43:54 UTC 2017

Hi All,

I'm back home, and glad to be here.  It will be good to sleep in 
my own bed and enjoy some privacy.  I had a great vacation in 
Wisconsin, and even saw a couple friends I haven't seen in years, 
one since I moved 13 years ago.

Jenny, it is very possible for us to understand the Bible.  We 
have it in our own tongue, English, and the Holy Spirit helps us 
to interpret it, along with our pastors.  I would caution you, 
though, and respectfully ask that you watch your language on this 
list.  I struggled with my language, but never in writing, and 
it's something many of us need to confess and over which we need 
victory.  Because you are speaking to your phone, it's easy to 
let unholy language slip off your tongue.  Our pastor is 
preaching on the Ten Commandments, and I was amazed at what he 
said about taking the Lord's name in vain.  We use a lot of 
substitutes, most of which he spelled during his message.  He 
said that words like crap and crud are substitutes for Christ.  
So, to all of us, we ought to be careful with our written and 
spoken words.

I will not say any more here about unbiblical beliefs, since what 
I have to say is not accepted in the same way as what most 
listers have to say.  We will all answer to God come judgment 
day.  And, Justin, I was not passing the buck to God, but you 
certainly are entitled to your opinion about me and what I say, 
and you have a right to say it here.

I am the list moderator, but it seems that many here think I have 
no right to state my Biblical beliefs.  So I will lurk, and will 
read every post.

I remind you all again, please take care to change subject lines 
or start a new message.

I wish you all a restful night.


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