[Faith-talk] subject lines

Sandra Streeter sandrastreeter381 at gmail.com
Wed May 24 20:27:23 UTC 2017

Thanks, Linda, for the pointers. On another list, someone tried to instruct us a bit, and because of what they said, I was inclined to use whatever subject line a long, long thread had had originally.  Since the subject lines were often long as well and I am a horrible auditory learner, I’d copy/paste an existing subject line into the subject field, and that’s the only way I could handle it if the line went beyond my retention. Now, I know it’s fine to change the subject line if veering has occurred. Which, as you say, cuts down on all the repeated text we have to wade through; while I use page-down quite a bit to get past the repeated stuff, I always think I MIGHT be missing something. So, this enables me not to do as much wading-through, which I so appreciate.


Not “Revelation” – tis – that waits
But our unfurnished eyes –
(Emily Dickinson)

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