[Faith-Talk] Devision Update

Linda Mentink mentink at frontiernet.net
Wed Jul 24 02:41:08 UTC 2019

Hello Everyone,

We held our biennial election of officers this year at our annual 
National Federation of the Blind in Communities of Faith meeting. Due 
to the poor health of Sam Gleese, we elected a new treasurer, 
Reverend Doctor Carolyn Peters. If you'd like to join the division, 
please send $5 to her at the address below. Also, please send your 
contact information to me.

Here's Carolyn's contact information:

Reverend Doctor Carolyn Peters
411 Elmhurst Road
Dayton, OH 45417
Phone: (937) 657-5134
Email: Dr.Carolyn.Peters at gmail.com

If you join, please send me the following information: Name, address, 
Telephone numbers, Email Address, Birthday, Use a cane or dog guide, 
Preferred reading format (Braille, print, audio)

My email address is: mentink at frontiernet.net.

The other division officers are President Tom anderson from Overland 
Park, Kansas, and Vice President Rehnee Aikens from Houston, Texas.

Tom needs to submit all the division information to the National 
office in a spreadsheet by August 16, and I need to compile the 
membership information and get it to him. So, please send your dues 
and information to us by Monday, August 5.


Linda Mentink NFBCF Secretary from Columbus, Nebraska

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