[Faith-Talk] Prayers For The President and His VicePresident

Rilind Dragoshi dragoshi11 at hotmail.com
Sun Nov 8 12:33:13 UTC 2020

I'm a persecuted Christian in Canada, so I have no issue making this prayer. I certainly won't discuss politics as a separate subject, and I won't get in to debates regarding this prayer either, but, this communication back and forth here today led me to share.
Dear God.
We thank you for President Trump as he has helped the world in terms of not only his economic policies but in what he did for protecting values such  as pro-life, and also religious liberty during the pandemic. We ask your blessing as the president continues to prioritize persecuted believers in bringing them to the US.
As sovereign, we know you are Lord even over politics, and nothing happens without your knowing and your blessing on those who serve our nation. We ask any challenges be dealt with in justice.
We ask you to help Trump as he continues as President in continuing to lead the nation to you.
We ask for strength for everyone who serves you in love for continuing to lead America to God, and may this come even to Canada and may you guide prime Minister Trudeau at some point also.
We pray all these things in Jesus name amen.

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