[Flagdu] welcome to the list

Sherrill O'Brien sherrill.obrien at verizon.net
Wed Apr 1 17:57:25 UTC 2009

Hello to all,

I'd like to extend a warm welcome to the many or few who have subscribed to
this list so far.

I'm Sherrill O'Brien, list moderator and President of NFBF's Florida
Association of Guide Dog Users.

I invite you to encourage others who are interested in guide dog issues to
subscribe.  I hope that this list will help to determine goals and
activities which will enable our guide dog users division to flourish.

I'll paste the instructions for subscribing to this list in this email
following my signature.  I realize that a general announcement has gone out,
but this way, you can send your friends a personal invitation to subscribe,
and they will have the information in front of them.

Let me know if anyone's out there (smile.)
Sherrill O'Brien
List Moderator

To subscribe to this list:

send an email to:

flagdu-request at nfbnet.org and put the word subscribe in the Subject field

or go to:


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