[Flagdu] FW: guide dog tax exempt issue

Sherrill O'Brien sherrill.obrien at verizon.net
Mon Nov 4 16:05:00 UTC 2013

Hello Janet and all,

I apologize for not responding to these emails. I was gone for a week, and
somehow, when I returned and fired up the computer, it did not put flagdu
emails into my flagdu folder. We've got it behaving properly now.

Thanks to our NFBF Legislative Chair Denise Valkema for the following email,
giving possibilities for sponsors of our proposed legislation concerning tax
exemption. We have not contacted anyone as of yet.

Also, attached is the current Florida Tax Code Concerning Guide Dogs". This
reads a bit awkwardly with JAWS, but spellings are actually correct. Note
that the language is not what any of us would have written, such as using
the term "seeing eye" rather than "guide dog". And "sale or rental" of guide
dogs" is at the very least anoying. I'd like to change alot of that, but for
the sake of helping more guide dog handlers save some money, we should
probably concentrate on doing away with the requirement for  the ID card
from the Division of Blind Services.
Denise's email is below my signature.


-----Original Message-----
From: Denise Valkema [mailto:valkemadenise at aol.com]
Sent: Saturday, October 26, 2013 2:57 PM
To: Sherrill Obrien
Cc: Dan Hicks
Subject: RE: guide dog tax exempt issue

These senators are part of  the  vision caucus and might be interested in
the removal of DBS card and having an affidavit. Senator Joseph Abruzzo
Senator Charlie Dean
Senator Dorothy Hukill
Senator Arthenia Joyner
Senator John Legg
Senator Gwen Margolis
Senator Maria Lorts Sachs
Senator David Simmons
Senator Darren Soto
Senator Kelli Stargel
Senator John Thrasher

Senator Gwen Margolis s on
Appropriations subcommittee on finance & tax.

Sincerely, Denise Valkema by iPhone
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