[Flagdu] Working with a guide by my side again

Merry Schoch merrys at verizon.net
Sat Feb 21 16:20:18 UTC 2015

Hello FLAGDU members and interested parties,


Your Vice President is no longer between guide dogs!!  Last year my golden
retriever lab cross tore her ACL.  After seven months of not using a guide
dog,  I am proud to introduce to you my new guide  dog, Gaston.  Gaston is a
beautiful smooth coat collie.  He came to live with us on February 6th and
we are doing well for a new team. What a pleasure it was to train with a
trainer who has a wealth of experience.  I send out my heartfelt
appreciation to John and Freedom guide Dogs for one of the greatest training
experiences ever!


I can't wait to have Gaston by my side at the next National Convention.


Wishing all of you and your guides a fabulous week!



Merry C. Schoch, MSW ISW#6961

Professional Social Worker/Counselor

(813) 523-6573

Merryschoch at verizon.net



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