[Flagdu] Helpng a new guide dog user division in our country

Merry Schoch merrys at verizon.net
Sat Nov 12 14:04:14 UTC 2016

Hello FLAGDU and interested list serv members,


Last weekend I had the honor of attending the Texas affiliate's state
convention.  I spent a great deal of time with the TXAGDU division.  This is
a newly formed division and besides their division meeting they hosted the
president of NAGDU to conduct a seminar to local businesses regarding their
rights and responsibilities to equal access for guide dog users.  It was a
great time all around!  Below is a message to me from the treasurer of the
division about their "Yankee Candle" fundraising project.  If any of you are
interested in supporting a sister/brother division see the details below.  


Looking forward to seeing you all at our state convention and FLAGDU
division meeting in May!


With warmest regards,


Message below:

Here is the website and group code for our Yankee candle fundraiser:

www.yankeecandlefundraising.com    And in the middle of the screen where it
says Start Shopping you will enter our group code of:  990102148

Happy Shopping.  All orders are delivered to your home address.


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