[Flagdu] Southeastern Guide Dogs Ownership Agreement

NAGDU President blind411 at verizon.net
Sat Jan 7 11:32:59 UTC 2017

Dear All,


                FYI, I am sharing with you the ownership agreement of
Southeastern Guide Dogs. This agreement was shared with me by a graduate of
the program. I would like to call your attention to paragraph 3 of the
agreement which states in part


"3.    RETIREMENT. It is understood and agreed to that the Dog  

will be retired if, in the sole opinion of any SEGDI staff or
representative, the Dog is not healthy enough to continue as a  guide dog.
It is also understood and agreed to that the Dog  MUST be retired on or
before his/her eleventh (11 th) Birthday"


Personally, I have some serious concerns about this paragraph. My first and
obvious concern is that it allows Southeastern to repossess a dog with the
sole discretion of any staff member of Southeastern should that person
determine the dog is not healthy to continue as a guide dog. It does not
require any objective evidence nor that the person making such a decision be
competent to do so.


                This paragraph also requires an owner to retire their dog on
or before its 11th birthday. My second guide dog, incidentally from
Southeastern Guide Dogs, worked until he was nearly 15 years old. Mike
Sergeant used to refer to him as "Superdog"! My third guide dog, also from
Southeastern, worked until she was 13 years old. It is my opinion that, if
we own our dogs, no one has the right to require we retire the dog and the
11-year-old mark is arbitrary. Many of us have had guide dogs that have
worked well past the 11 year mark.


                Also, please pay attention to paragraph 5 in which
Southeastern has the right to repossess the dog for reasons of "suspected
abuse or negligence". This is troubling because it does not require any
evidence of abuse or neglect, simply a suspicion of abuse or neglect. 


                Many other training programs have similar conditions which I
believe are paternalistic and arbitrary. I encourage each of you to consider
what you would do and how you would feel if someone levied an unfounded,
anonymous complaint of abuse or neglect against you and, based upon this
anonymous, unfounded complaint and, inspite of the assertions of your
veterinarian and close family and friends, there was no evidence of abuse,
your dog was repossessed. Lest you say this would not happen, let me tell
you it has and is currently occurring!


Fraternally yours,




Marion Gwizdala, President

National Association of Guide Dog Users Inc. (NAGDU)

National Federation of the Blind

(813) 626-2789

President at NAGDU.ORG



The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the
characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise
expectations because low expectations create barriers between blind  people
and our dreams. You can live the life you want! Blindness is not what holds
you back.


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