[Flagdu] Guide Dog Users needed. and other announcements

Merry Schoch merrys at verizon.net
Mon May 15 13:01:40 UTC 2017

Dear Fellow Federationists and Guide dog Users of florida,


A member and a new guide dog user, Janice Butler who is also a long time friend, had her guide dog attacked by another dog.  Instead of the dog’s owner paying the fines for the attack, he has decided to have a trial, which will be held  On May 31 @ 1:30 PM  at the courthouse in Tampa. Below is more information on location: Courtroom 31-3rd. Floor

(401 N. Jefferson St.)


800 E. TWIGGS ST. 


If you are interested in participating we will meet at the cafeteria inside the court house, Crystal Bay Café at 12 noon.  If you cannot make lunch we will be leaving the café at 1:00 pm to head over to the courtroom.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 813 626 1850 or email me at merrys at verizon.net


Our president, Sherrill O’Brien, spent the last few weeks with her mother in Illinois. Sherrill came home for a week and will be heading back tomorrow for her mother’s memorial service.  Please keep Sherrill and her family in your prayers during this most difficult time. In her absence if there are any guide dog related issues in Florida please contact me.   I will soon be posting news about our exciting seminar that FLAGDU will host during our state convention over the Memorial Day weekend in Orlando!


Looking forward to seeing you all there!


With warmest regards,

Merry  C. Schoch

Florida Association of Guide Dog Users

Vice President 

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