[Flagdu] FLAGDU 2017 annual meeting minutes need to be approved

Sherrill O'Brien Sherrill.obrien at verizon.net
Wed May 23 22:19:05 UTC 2018

Hello to all,


While it seems like a formality, we do need to approve last year's annual
meeting minutes. I have written them up as Acting Secretary, , so they can
be approved by email prior to our FLAGDU meeting on Saturday.

They are pasted below.


Thanks in advance for reading these, and for your help in approving them.


Hoping to see you at our Tampa Hilton!



Florida Association of Guide Dog Users (FLAGDU)

Annual Meeting Minutes

Saturday, May 27, 2017

DoubleTree by Hilton, Orlando Downtown

The annual FLAGDU seminar and business meeting was called to order by
President Sherrill O'Brien at 3:05PM. Introductions were made by Board
members and audience members. There were 29 in attendance. 50/50 tickets
were sold during this time. The drawing will take place during the banquet.
Door prizes were drawn throughout the course of the meeting.


The 2016 annual meeting minutes were approved as emailed.

Treasurer Tom Bellone gave the treasurer's report, which was approved.


We then took a few minutes to pay tribute to longtime trainer and past CEO
of Southeastern. Mike Sergeant. Members of the audience shared stories about
him, and how he made a difference in their lives.



Elections were held for the following officers and Board members 

Vice President, Treasurer and one Board member 

The following were reelected by acclamation:

Merry Schoch, Vice President

Tom Bellone, Treasurer

Kathy Davis, Board Member


Sherrill introduced our speaker Mike Hingson, who is the vice president of
our National Association of Guide Dog Users. His topic was The Future of
Guide Dogs in the World. He spoke of the history of the guide dog movement
in the United States, and international travel with a guide dog.


Sherrill gave a President's report, and President Marion Gwizdala spoke
about NAGDU's work over the past year.


Humorous but educational skits were then presented by several members,
demonstrating the rights and responsibilities of business owners as well as
guide dog users. All who attended received  "Service Animals Welcome"
decals, to be given to business owners for prominent display. They also
received a newly created two-sided flier "Florida's Service Animal Access


Merry Schoch has been appointed to be the liason from Florida for NFB's Uber
and Lyft Rideshare Testing Program. She explained how the program works and
encouraged those using Uber or Lyft to fill out the online form, whether
their experience was positive or negative.


The meeting was adjourned at 5:00PM.


Respectfully submitted]


Sherrill O'Brien, Acting Secretary


Florida Association of Guide Dog Users

National Federation of the Blind of Florida


The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the
characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise
expectations because low expectations create barriers between blind people
and our dreams. You can live the life you want! Blindness is not what holds
you bac

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