[Flagdu] FW: Grateful

Sherrill O'Brien sherrill.obrien at verizon.net
Tue May 28 15:11:59 UTC 2019

Hello to all, especially those resting up from our great convention…including FLAGDU’s meeting!


A big thank you on behalf of the FLAGDU board to all who came to our FLAGDU meeting.

I wanted to share the following email which was waiting for me. Magda Vazquez was a very sweet and passionate lady who led the audience in hands-on canine massage at our FLAGDU meeting. I’m including our other lists besides FLAGDU to share this great example of how things can work both ways…our enthusiasm and hospitality can have a huge impact on those we invite to speak to us.

Apologies to those of you who will receive this several times.




From: Magda Vazquez [mailto:vazquez.m95 at gmail.com] 
Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2019 2:22 PM
To: Sherrill O'Brien
Subject: Re: Grateful


Hi Sherrill!!


I don't want to pass another moment to express my gratitude for inviting me to speak about dog massage. 


I met the finest, kindest and funniest people. The dogs do an amazing job with their owners. I was able to witness that connection the audience have with their dog and how well they responded to massage. Witnessing dogs' response was the cherry on top of the cake!!


If there's anything I can be of help, let me know.


Have an awesome Memorial Day weekend!


Warm regards, 


Magda Vazquez



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