[FLAGDU] Please Read...We need your approval for the 2019 FLAGDU annual meeting minutes

Sherrill O'Brien sherrill.obrien at verizon.net
Fri Sep 25 22:38:04 UTC 2020

Greetings to all FLAGDU members and supporters,


I realize many of you will receive this via several lists, but we need to
make sure all FLAGDU members attending our flagdu meeting are prepared to
vote on last year's annual meeting minutes.

Thanks in advance for reading them, and for considering their approval. They
will take you back to last year's lively hands-on health and wellness
seminar at the Embassy Suites in Boca.

I'm looking forward to hearing lots of you on our Zoom meeting next


The minutes are pasted below my signature.




Sherrill O'Brien, Secretary

Florida Association of Guide Dog Users (FLAGDU)

National Federation of the Blind of Florida

Phone 813-935-0474, cell 813-767-1890

eMail sherrill.obrien at verizon.net


The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the
characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise
expectations because low expectations create barriers between blind people
and our dreams. You can live the life you want! Blindness is not what holds
you back



Florida Association of Guide Dog Users (FLAGDU)

Annual Meeting Minutes

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Embassy Suites by Hilton, Boca Raton


The annual FLAGDU seminar and business meeting was called to order by
President Merry Schoch at 3:05PM. Following the introduction of the Board,,
attendees introduced themselves, for a total of 26 present. 


Secretary and Treasurer's Reports

A motion was made by Kathy, seconded by Barbara, to approve the FLAGDU 2018
annual meeting minutes as emailed. The motion passed.

Treasurer Tom Bellone gave the treasurer's report. Our current balance is
$728.41. A motion was made by Kathy, seconded by Sherrill, to approve the
treasurer's report as read. The motion passed.



Elections were held for the following officers and Board members 

Vice President, Treasurer and one Board member 

The following were reelected by acclamation:

Marion Gwizdala, Vice President

Tom Bellone, Treasurer

Kathy Davis, Board Member



President Merry Schoch described FLAGDU's NfBF auction basket. She also
encouraged everyone to contribute to FLAGDU's annual 50/50 fundraiser. The
drawing will be held at the banquet. For an additional fundraiser, FLAGDU is
selling nonspill hot and cold beverage containers for a cost of $20. The
money raised will be split between FLAGDU and NAGDU. 


Health and Wellness Seminar

Merry introduced Jodi Jainchill, a licensed physical therapist and Seeing
Eye graduate. Jodi shared and led the audience through techniques for
preventing and relieving the unique physical stressors    associated with
using a guide dog.


Our second speaker was Magda Vasquez, a certified canine massage therapist.
She showed us several hands-on relaxation techniques to help relieve stress
in our dogs.


Door prizes were drawn throughout the course of the meeting.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:45PM.


Respectfully submitted]

Sherrill O'Brien, Secretary

Florida Association of Guide Dog Users (FLAGDU)

National Federation of the Blind of Florida


Phone 813-935-0474, cell 813-767-1890

Email sherrill.obrien at verizon.net



The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the
characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise
expectations because low expectations create barriers between blind people
and our dreams. You can live the life you want! Blindness is not what holds
you back



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