[Gabs] Cash, Cars: A conference Call (Honk Honk!)

Darian Smith dsmithnfb at gmail.com
Thu Dec 12 18:02:55 UTC 2013

hi all.
   Want to be a part of driving  our movement? Want to have a important role  in   raising awareness for the federation and funds that develop  programs  for Students?
 Well Join NABS as we learn about a new  Federation   fundraising campaign  that does not require you to  ask your friends and family for money, but with your help can net us a great amount of funds  that will allow us to do more things to support         Students. 
Joanne Wilson will be Honk honking on our call Sunday night about how you can turn an old clunker into cash for the NFB.

  When? Sunday December 15, 2013 at 7p.m. Eastern.
 Call: (605) 475-6700  Code: 7869673.

 Honk! Honk! 

 The National   Association of Blind Students.

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