[GOPBC] MapinHood: The New Navigation App for People, not Cars.

iMerciv info at imerciv.com
Sun Mar 15 22:10:31 UTC 2020

iMerciv has released a new product called MapinHood, a navigation app that offers pedestrians personalized routing and actionable data in real time.

It's been a while since we have made any major announcements which is why we are excited to share some news about our recent developments and update you on the latest from us here at iMerciv.

We released a New Product!

** iMerciv releases MapinHood: a Navigation App for Pedestrians
iMerciv (http://www.imerciv.com) released the beta version a new navigation app called MapinHood on February 14th of 2020. You can now download the app on either IOS (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/mapinhood-walking-gps-maps/id1476290381?ls=1) or Android (http://https//play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.imercivreactnative) . The service coverage is restricted to the greater Toronto area for now and we plan to make the app available in your city soon!
MapinHood (http://www.mapinhood.com) is the new navigation app for people, not cars. It offers personalized routing for pedestrians and gives you actionable data in real time for safe, convenient & accessible trips. With the help of fellow pedestrians, get the best routes for YOU, anytime, anywhere.
Learn More (https://medium.com/@mapinhood/mapinhood-is-the-new-navigation-app-for-people-not-cars-f4f08b4ad78d)

** Get There on Your Terms

with real-time updates from your local community and always know what’s happening on your sidewalks.

MapinHood gives you instant data on crime, lighting conditions, accidents, construction hazards, city amenities, food carts, street murals, and more.

We encourage you to download the MapinHood app if you live in the Greater Toronto Area and we would love it if you could leave us a positive review on the app stores once you've had a chance to play with it. To our subscribers who are living with vision loss: the MapinHood app will be accessible in the coming weeks and we will update you as we release the update.

We also love hearing feedback, thoughts, comments or suggestions when it comes to the app so feel free to contact us at info at mapinhood.com (https://mapinhood.com/contact) or at any one of our social media links below:

Copyright © 2020 iMerciv Inc., All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
100 College Street (Suite 302)
Toronto, ON, M5G1L5

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