[Greater-baltimore] Chapter meeting and blood drive on Saturday

Danielsen, Chris CDanielsen at nfb.org
Thu Apr 5 14:42:10 UTC 2012

Dear fellow Federationists:

This is a reminder that our chapter meeting will take place this coming Saturday, April 7, so that the meeting coincides with our Red Cross blood drive. The blood drive itself will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Listed below are the names of those individuals in the chapter who have volunteered to donate, and, if applicable, the times that you chose for your appointment. Although there was some confusion about the actual time of the blood drive, that confusion will not affect the times selected by individuals at our last chapter meeting. If you have not already expressed interest in donating or selected a time, you will need to talk with the Red Cross officials present on Saturday to see if you can secure an appointment. If you do plan to donate, please make transportation arrangements accordingly. Those of you who have agreed to donate may or may not be eligible to do so. Your eligibility will be determined by Red Cross officials. You can find out more information on eligibility at the Red Cross Web site, http://www.redcross.org, by clicking on the "Give Blood" link. We do not have eligibility information in a more accessible format, but Red cross officials will go over this material with you on site Saturday.

Breakfast will also be served as usual on Saturday, but if you are giving blood you may want to eat something before you leave home, since I do not yet know how substantial breakfast will be. Also keep in mind that you should not plan any strenuous activity for the rest of the day on Saturday if you donate blood.

The blood drive is currently set to take place in Members Hall, which is to your left after you enter the NFB Jernigan Institute from the atrium, across from the auditorium where chapter meetings are sometimes held. If logistics require any change in this plan, we will let you know.

Thanks for your willingness to participate in this effort to spread the positive message of the National federation of the Blind by showing our community spirit through this blood drive.


Chris Danielsen, Chapter President

Individuals who chose specific times:

10:15 Millie Rivera-Rau

11:00 John Pare

11:15 Maurice Peret

11:30 Jim McCarthy

12:45 Renee West

1:00 Ellen Ringlein

1:30 Tracy Hall-Hennigan

Individuals with no specific time preference:

Chris Danielsen

Barbara Cheadle

John Cheadle

James Dimitis

Dezman Jackson

Bill Jacobs

Robert Jaquiss

Anil Lewis

Lisa MacKenzie

Helen Stevens

Christopher S. Danielsen
Director of Public Relations
200 East Wells Street
     at Jernigan Place
Baltimore, Maryland 21230
Phone: 410-659-9314, ext. 2330
Fax: 410-685-5653
Cell phone: 410-262-1281
Email: cdanielsen at nfb.org<mailto:cdanielsen at nfb.org>

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