[Greater-baltimore] Bake Auction

Terri Uttermohlen thefur at earthlink.net
Sat Oct 27 17:22:57 UTC 2012

Hello bakers!  


At convention we have the bake auction to raise money for the NFB of
Maryland.  Every year, our members amaze me with the generosity and
creativity you demonstrate.  We are having the auction again this year.  I
want to thank you all in advance for your contributions, and  encourage our
bakers and fabulous rum ball makers to bring it all to Annapolis so that we
can raise money for our affiliate and and enjoy everyone's tasty handiwork.


I look forward to seeing you there.  Bring the goodies to me at the auction
table on Saturday morning.  If you can, please label what you bring in print
and Braille.  If you only use one writing system...use that one to label
your contributions.    




Terri Uttermohlen


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