[Greater-baltimore] Meet the Blind Month Concert

Melissa msheeder87 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 29 00:57:46 UTC 2012

I m interested vut sundy is not a good nigbt i m happy to do flyers or any thing else that is needed
Nemissa Sheeder 


On Sep 28, 2012, at 7:14 PM, "Ringlein, Ellen" <ERinglein at nfb.org> wrote:

> Fellow Chapter Members,
> Some of you volunteered to help with our Meet the Blind Month Activities a couple of chapter meetings ago.  At the September chapter meeting we decided to take up Rachel Grider's offer and structure a Meet the Blind Month activity around a recital Rachel is giving on November 17.  This will be an awesome opportunity for us to reach out to the classical music world and to educate the public about the abilities of blind people and the work of the NFB. 
> We need help planning the publicity, recruiting attendies, and coordinating the reception after the concert.  As you can see, we need many hands to make this event a success and we need to get started right away.  Please let me know if you would like to help plan any of these aspects of this event.  I am trying to schedule a conference call on Sunday night or possibly Monday or Tuesday evening. 
> Looking forward to hearing from some dedicated volunteers,
> Ellen

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