[Greater-baltimore] Fwd: To Chapter Member Listserv (Intern Project)

Danielsen, Chris CDanielsen at nfb.org
Fri Jul 18 11:05:13 UTC 2014

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Catherine Jacobson <jacobsonacatherine at gmail.com<mailto:jacobsonacatherine at gmail.com>>
Date: July 17, 2014 at 4:50:39 PM EDT
To: "cdanielsen at nfb.org<mailto:cdanielsen at nfb.org>" <CDanielsen at nfb.org<mailto:CDanielsen at nfb.org>>
Subject: To Chapter Member Listserv (Intern Project)

Hello Greater Baltimore Chapter,

My name is Catherine Jacobson and I am one of the interns at the National Federation of the Blind Jernigan Institute. My 3 fellow interns and I are developing a group project. Our vision for this project is to produce a video, featuring children around the ages of 8-13 and asking them their opinions and views on paying individuals with disabilities subminimum wages. As many of you probably know, H.R. 831 is a bill that we have been working to pass that confronts this issue. My fellow interns and I believe making a video to spread the word about it featuring children with their simplicity and innocence may help reach out to the general public. Like the "Kids React to..." famous video series on Youtube.  Of course our questions on the subminimum wage issue are put into simpler and more understandable terms for the children, like allowances.

We have already visited and interview some kids at a local summer camp, but are really looking to have more variety of responses. We were wondering, considering that the chapter meeting is this Saturday, if any of you would be willing to let us film and interview your kids/grandkids, etc. for our project during the meeting. The interviews will take place in the NFB JI and each one shouldn't take more than ten minutes. The age range is just a suggestion, we will still interview younger kids, of course if the parents/guardians think it would be appropriate for them, and we will interview older as well. I have attached a NFB media release wavier to be signed by the parent/guardian of and for all participating children. We will have copies on set as well. My fellow interns and I would really appreciate any participation in this project and are excited to see the response we will get from federation children. If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact us at SummerInterns2014 at nfb.org<mailto:SummerInterns2014 at nfb.org>  We hope to hear from you soon or see you on Saturday.

Respectfully yours,

Sarah Patnaude, Justin Salisbury, Yadiel Sotomayor, & Catherine Jacobson
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