[gui-talk] Response to "The Hands That Feed"

Curtis Chong curtischong at earthlink.net
Sun Feb 26 15:50:13 UTC 2012

Dear Ray:

"With respect to the resolution which the NFB passed at the 2011 convention,
I must strongly disagree; not so much with what your resolution intended to
do; but rather, with the condemn and deplore language you employed."

As I tried to make clear in my post, the resolution that was passed at the
NFB 2011 convention did not say 'condemn and deplore" at all.  Yes, there
was a resolution which I championed which did incorporate "condemn and
deplore" language, but (as others have pointed out) that resolution did
fail.  The membership exercised its proper right to determine the course of
a resolution.

So, having put that aside, do you believe that the resolution that did pass
was too strongly worded?  I understand you agree with the intent.  I am
still curious as to your thoughts about the words "frustration" and "deep

Thank you, Ray.


Curtis Chong

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